Hey guys,
I rented a Taru and was doing my first run on heroin and when i finished i couldnt take off in my helicopter.
I couldnt access any seat including co-pilot, pilot, or sling assistant.
I have tried access it every which direction including underneath.
I have had the keys the whole time.
other players could access the seats except me.
everything was unlocked.
The game was bugging out and then i got kicked from ping rate because i had to upload the evidence to vimeo which means i lost my heli
I would of been upto my third run by now which has been about 45 mins :(
can i please get 150k for the rental Taru and 1m$. i could of easily made more by now.
just frustrated this happens :/
Thanks for your support, assistance, and consideration. Help desk was very very helpful.
Also my sidechat disappears sometimes and I can send messages out and they get recieved but theres no log/chat to see outgoing/incoming messages.
Heres the proof https://vimeo.com/user91091405/review/297511593/ddb07650cc - sorry if the quality is poor but this is the best i could do
Sorry dont know what this means.
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