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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/29/16 in all areas

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
    Hey Gang, I brought this up to Quicksilver the other day & thought I'd drop it in here to see what you thought. First up I thought it would be good to have a whitelist slot for engineers. Secondly, I suggested that we have AI & Maybe a Tank "Kuma!!" for the whitelist guys. At the moment when the server gets full, we have one guy taking all the AI from base for his own personal little squad, leaving none for the rest of the guys. I feel that if all/some of the AI & some of the better vehicles were restricted to whitelist it would encourage some players to donate a bit to access them. We have had this on a few of the servers I have been on in the past & it seemed to work well. Thanks for reading
  3. 2 points
    Forum Team Forum Managers @Tiggati @InfamousNova Forum Admins @Roger Purple @Mozkelby Forum Moderator @sirgeneralj @Leopard @TrueBlue @Snowwiiee If you would like any content on the forums attended to, or would like to report anything you see that breaks our forum rules/guidelines; please use the "Report Post" button. How to use "Report Post" To get anything changed/reported in a topic, Report Post in the topic and the staff will be directed straight to that post. Once you click on "Report Post" you'll get a pop-up message box; please write a detailed message in that box explaining why you have reported the content. Forum Staff can Hide posts, and also Hide topics, Lock topics, and Move topics. Any reported content is kept confidential. Forum Rules/Guideline
  4. 1 point
    Warning; Video does contain course language that some may find offensive. @Flexxxxy @Bang1324 @AndrewWhite @Byron @magicalmangi @Bluey @Saundo @Jontethemaori GREG'S PILOTING IS GOD LIKE!
  5. 1 point
    Miss the good old days Good to be back with you @Greg
  6. 1 point
    Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198095414798 Total Donated: $13 AUD to Altis Life
  7. 1 point
    i like the idea of the whitelist engineer slot but the whitelisted vehicles is againts BI terms of monetization. since it gives you an advantage over other players in a sense.
  8. 1 point
    I remember this. i shat meself.....
  9. 1 point
    You way over estimate my say on these things, lol.
  10. 1 point
    I disagree. And as usual it's all non cops in a topic on cops. You earn the vest. You earn the MX. By playtime and aptitude. If your not a Cop you can't understand some of the stuff that Pubbies do, including stealing gear at 5 AM. Not speaking English at all. Having a tanty they have 59 hours on Cop elsewhere. I have 1000 hours in as Cop on SG. I know the streets of the city, the gangs, the players, my Officers. They get partnered with an experienced dedicated Cop. They show us they want it. They follow the rules. That's how I earnt mine, worked my way through and ended up Comissioner. I really want them to look new, and feel new, or we may as well start them with tac vest mx lethal pistol and cheap knockdowns.....
  11. 1 point
    Closest topic I could find for this. Bunch of guys (including RDM'ers) were on last night between midnight-5am, sent them to jail and they just kept getting broken out. This was when I got sick of it so got someone else to process while I waited in the tower. He even saw me go up so got his mate to clear it which is what you see when the video starts, runs past the door to the roof and gives the all clear. If you look at his name-tag he actually fell off the roof and died LOL, I ran around once I heard the hummingbird disabled to find him on the roof because I didn't see the message that he died. Then the helicopter landed in the prison and killed the guy in there haha.