Dear Straya Gaming,
It is with a heavy heart that I write this message but, myself and also speaking for @John Paul are formally announcing our resignation from Straya Gaming. After two and a half years of service with one of the best Australian community's (And still is).
To the current/retired staff: I like to think that I earned your respect over the years and wanted you to know you've earned mine. I will remind you all to perform your duties as best you can, but with some parting advice: Do not follow blindly, stand up for yourselves and make sure you express whatever differences you have and stick to your beliefs. Remember, mean what you say and do what you say; HONOR, INTEGRITY, and RESPECT cannot be purchased at ANY price. And if you are to be damned by anyone, be damned for who you are.
To the members: You guys make up this community as a whole. How Straya Gaming proceeds in the future is up to you. Take measure of what you have here currently and do whatever you can to make this a better place. Stand up for yourselves and your fellow members.
As for me, I feel that I possess neither the constitution nor the strength to remain here. I think back on the times I've had here, the friends I've made over the last two years, the people I've met, and can't help but to wonder if anything could have been different to prevent me from taking this course of action. I concluded the answer is no. I like to think I've been able to help the people in this community and have helped make the community better as a whole. My hope is Straya Gaming can continue to produce quality, respected members throughout the gaming community. I would like to thank all of the members in Straya Gaming for their continued support.
I will no longer wield the power to command. As I leave you all today, I wish to say the honour was to serve, both as a leader and as a member. Take pride in this community; for it is what you make of it.
Totally relates a bit of a laugh on the way out:
- ʝ17 (الجهاد)
- John Paul