Moving forward the below will be enforced on all entrants and joining the event means you have agreed and will abide by the below.
I try to keep these fun, light, and entertain the Community. I put HOURS into these in the prep, getting helpers, writing the Zeus stuff, plotting them out, then to have people (has happened this week) :-
Steal from the Events. Ban put up.
Ramble in the TS about something not even related
Come into the Events channel for Help Desk when there are 3-4 Green Ticks and a Trial Mod in the Lounge (not saying they are at fault, the person just "didnt want to wait in a line". I had 25 people in the Event...they want me to drop that and solve their RDM)
Come into TS and start on about something Zeus related I had nothing to do with, and wouldn't do anyway. Infuriating.
SO.....minor rant over.
I write and deliver these things for you guys, to make us better than other Servers, and to make I exist to enforce the rules, plot the future direction of things with the Head Leads, and make it all entertaining. If you cant/wont accept these conditions, then dont play in the Events. If your wandering in and starting up about something, I will ask you to leave. Its that simple.
Joining the Event
1. Abiding by the terms laid out.
2. Listening more than talking. Its not to spruik your own stuff, or carry on a Stand up Comedy routine. Be quiet or you ruin it.
3. Don't cheat. If unsure, ask.
4. Dont steal. All the Events items are Zeussed in, or paid for by someone. They are NOT yours to take, or keep, unless I explicitly say so, or give them as prizes. "Its just a XYZ, noone will know." Yes, they will, and if I find out, your barred from Events till further notice and may be banned for exploiting the Event. Do not abuse my trust, it takes ages to earn and seconds to lose.
5. Being on time. Dont rock up at 8:15 and expect a slot in a 7:30 Event that's in progress. Set a Reminder on your Phone or something.
6. Be prepared. Know whats going on. Read the posts. Be dressed or no geared as asked in it. Basic courtesy.
7. Respect the Surivivors/Combatants. Dont ask for it to "finish up" so you can get a prize or move on. If your done, leave, dont talk over people still fighting/playing.
From the next Event on I will be pretty hard on these rules. See you all soon.