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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/16 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    LIVE IT, LOVE IT, PLAY IT, STRAYAGAMING YOUR HOME OF ENTERTAINMENT ----------------------------------------­--------------- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/strayagaming... ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­-------- Twitter: https://twitter.com/Straya_Gaming ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­--------------------------- Register here: https://strayagaming.com.au/forums/ ----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­----------------------------------------­- Come have a chat to us here at Strayagaming.com.au | Official TeamSpeak |
  2. 4 points
    G'day Everyone! So as the title says, im looking for community feedback, In saying this, not after staff feedback or anything like that, purely on your Game Play, Servers, Feel of the Community, What you think we can improve in the community, and just general Community Questions. My Forum Messenger is always open for these ideas/suggestions and Feedback, so send me a message and give me your take on things around all S.G Cheers Guys
  3. 3 points
    Hi all. I wanted to post up some terrain ideas for the wasteland map. This idea is about having an event area for the server. Out in a corner of the map, this floating platform would be a competition area, reachable by boat, amphibious vehicle or helicopter. With one to three different arenas an admin could host close quarters competitions or players could host games themselves on the platform. The area would act as a kind of neutral zone ('we won't kill you if we win' XD); players not in the arenas can observe from a tower down on to the competitors and make bets ect (player interaction).
  4. 3 points
    Would be good to see increased use of land/water transport too. Constantly see inf bitch and complain about pilots, heli's crashing or a lack of transport while the carpark sits with its full compliment of vehicles. I understand that the heavy vehicles are slow, and you either need a competent and trustworthy mate, or knowledge of how to control AI, to use the armed vehicles effectively, but by god are they great fun. Perhaps it could be worth looking into changing a few inf slots over to armour or land vehicle operator slots to encourage their use. If the server wasnt so limiting I'd maybe even suggest a boat team. A little variation is great, Ive recently taken to ditching my marksmen rifle for a tool kit, 1 or 2 AI and a Slammer
  5. 2 points
    Should have probably done this a while ago, but better late than never. 24yo living in Adelaide, South Australia, but actually born of the Tasmanian master race. Recently decided to get back into Arma after having finished Witcher 3 (again) on Xbone. I used to play a lot of Arma 2 (epoch, overwatch, overpoch etc) and DayZ (mod and SA). My in-game and TS name are the same as my forum name, Im usually on around the evening playing I&A. My xbox gt is GSTwin if anyone wants to add me, and if console game co's actually decide to publish a decent game you might find me on there. IRL I'm a motoring enthusiast with a fetish for motorbikes, and have a bad tinkering habit, an odd and varied employment history and a sense of humour that can sometimes be labeled as sick and twisted. Im always looking to meet new people and make new mates, so if you're unlucky enough to live in the sorry state of SA chuck me a message
  6. 2 points
    It is defiantly against our Rules to role play or say anything regarding any terrorist acts, we keep the servers clean and in role play. The idea of gaming and a gaming community, is to go to a world or land away from real life and play a character you wouldn't play in the real world, do things that you wouldn't do and meet awesome people. I apologize on behalf of the staff that this has happened to you Flex, next time if this happens please either poke myself or another staff member to get this dealt with ASAP. Cheers!
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
    OMG Hahahaha, the best part was how the people in the two jeeps behind us starting 'shitting themselves' - thinking their actually may of been something hiding in the jungle...
  9. 1 point
    Dear the Strayagaming Community, This post is not attacking nor singling out an indiviual with in the community. This is just a rant about a huge topic... Terrorism RP has to stop... It way be fine to a certain extent but over the past week its been taken too far. A 'Terrorist' on Altis Life is a person who robs banks, kills civilians etc. However, people who say 'Allah Akbar' at a police officer or to another civilian is a bannable offence. I know this may be stated in the rules but its had a huge impact on a few people including me. Although i have no ties to islam or their practices, its just not tolerated and has no place within the Strayagaming community. I have lost my temper a few times because of this occurring. Its not on... Im really hoping this message is clear enough for everyone to understand and i hope i made enough sense Sincerely, ~Flex
  10. 1 point
    I've actually done the entire map XD. Recreated all the regular towns and areas. Every yellow mark on the map. I went along the entire coast and added some caves and hidden areas. Improved Rogain a tonne so theres less reason to stay there. Yes, much LESS reason to camp rogain. All the fucking time! Really I haven't done anything to rogain but the surrounding area got improved so Defending rogain will be more interesting. I really should have just filled it full of canal walls and made it impassable. The competition platform is just an idea I had that might be more easily added to the server. Still in the works, and a bit barren at the moment. I'll add some more pics of some new areas I've come up with soon. For the trolls attacking the platform part, yeah that'll just have to be dealt with on a 'when it happens' basis. But people should be less likely to attack it if admin is hosting something there. Anyway thanks for the feedback :).
  11. 1 point
    from one of the most busy nights on wastelands in a while, nearly 1.2mil in comps this happened to me. @ExcelForce not gonna lie, i got pretty mad i cut the clip where i started yelling,
  12. 1 point
    Last time I touched base with staff, This was severely frowned upon, not sure if they ever set it in stone by adding it to the rules, But I am almost 100% certain that the leads ( @LuckyB33f @Tiggati ) are against it also.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    All my houses and garages are gone and I basically used all of them last night, rip 11mil
  15. 1 point
    well i used all my garages houses like last ngiht and there all grone
  16. 1 point
    I have no idea if i have been affected. But if i have well then too bad, that is life.
  17. 1 point
    Looks like im going shopping.
  18. 1 point
    If you haven't used it in 3+ months then when will you? Quit complaining and just start doing runs to build yourself back up. It happened, get over it and move on.
  19. 1 point
    Couldn't they be spawned without ammo & set to never rearm? I vaguely remember someone doing this before with another vehicle. & I must say thanks to @Fitz & @InfamousNova for their flyby's last night.. & also to @Travesty for goading them on while in my chopper I love doing this & try to encourage it as often as possible.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Some people own or are part of a business etc. on Tanoa, maybe add an About my Group section where business owners, guerilla groups etc. could advertise their business and/or group from the particular server they choose. Just a suggestion
  22. 1 point
    that can be done with zeus. will do a few more cas orientated zeus missions if the demand is there that was me in the jet btw. come up behind you fire a couple of shots and fly away. i'd usually take out the tail rotor
  23. 1 point
    Got my butt shot down multiple times with the enemy CAS last night. Damn good fun. I'd like to see a moving Enemy Helicopter mission like Wasteland in I&A that operates away from the AO.
  24. 1 point
    If you want to make things different or interesting, pick another pilot to fly in formation with, fly with them on transport runs land the same LZ and leave the base at the same time. It's surprising how much fun flying in formation can be, especially when it's with a pilot that is good or you trust, or even if you don't, flying their wingman can be interesting as you don't know what's going to happen next (also looks good for the ground guys seeing pilots flying together) Another option is we could always increase the amount of enemy aircraft. Anyway, we can only change up our heli list so much, and we can already fly most of them from the spawn. We DID have a parajumping jet that was in trial, but the infantry didn't like the idea as they lose their backpacks doing so. All in all, I really don't see much wrong with how our aircraft are set up, we have a large choice of air frames to choose from on spawn and it's really up to the pilots whether they make things interesting for them. Me personally I like to try land the infantry where-ever they ask me, just for the challenge (more often than not, it's a dangerous LZ) or where the front line of friendlies are, I'll drop just behind them. There are a number of things pilot can do to make things fun, they just have to think outside the box sometimes.
  25. 1 point
    Hey all I'm Ora209 I'm a photographer from Sydney that love to play open world, exploration, simulation and fun games. I'am approachable and friendly, i tend to collate a lot of data on games so i have an extensive knowledge on a lot of games. I have played Loads of invade & annex on the straya gaming server but sadely it took til now to join the forums hahaha lol. Most Played Games: Arma 3 Elite Dangerous Awesomenauts and heaps more... feel free to add me on steam, its just Ora209. i wont bit, i promise... well ill try not to lets just say that