Should have probably done this a while ago, but better late than never.
24yo living in Adelaide, South Australia, but actually born of the Tasmanian master race.
Recently decided to get back into Arma after having finished Witcher 3 (again) on Xbone. I used to play a lot of Arma 2 (epoch, overwatch, overpoch etc) and DayZ (mod and SA). My in-game and TS name are the same as my forum name, Im usually on around the evening playing I&A. My xbox gt is GSTwin if anyone wants to add me, and if console game co's actually decide to publish a decent game you might find me on there.
IRL I'm a motoring enthusiast with a fetish for motorbikes, and have a bad tinkering habit, an odd and varied employment history and a sense of humour that can sometimes be labeled as sick and twisted. Im always looking to meet new people and make new mates, so if you're unlucky enough to live in the sorry state of SA chuck me a message