Welcome to Achievement Rock. In my map, I have located this out in the bottom right corner of the map. Not too far out, but just visible from 1.6 kilometers out from the southern shore and *possibly visible to the Southern gun store (*if you have the render distance). The idea for this is to act as a line of sight breaker for mainly boats but also aircraft. Driving a boat out to missions is tedious, especially when most stores have a clear view of the ocean and are stocked to the brim with AT-launchers. This would also act as a possible base location, difficult to build on due to it's remote location, but a good storage place for crates and aircraft. It is built down to the ocean floor, so no floating rocks to ruin your immersion. There are two ways up, the arch side and the platform side. You cannot climb from the lower half to the top of the arch so players can assault it from a blindspot to the platforms. I have made it look as natural as possible and am quite pleased with the appearance. For those who dare, I have also placed a few similar arches around in the ocean, formations like these can also act as stunt areas for aircraft and it is sized to fit an A-10 (Wipeout), but just barely. Enjoy the slideshow, Shoot me some feedback :).