Wasteland 1.3b Version 1.0.4 - 1.0.8 UPDATES In the event of any catastrophic errors or problems on initial release, we may revert back to the previous version.
Our server has been struggling with donations lately, please consider donating to keep the server up so you can continue enjoying and/or hating playing on our server ^.^
Apologies for the lack of patch notes at the time of the last few patches, i had just been busy and hadn't got around to it, these notes summarize the last week or so of updates, may not contain every change, but they do cover the main changes
General Changes -
Added -Indi Group Size limit of 5 implemented
Added -New Admin features
Added -Automatic team-balance script
Added - Support for a Tiered Supporter system for the vehicle painter/skins
Added - Added support for Global store price discounts on most items
Added - Brought back the 12DAR, 6.5mm gun Orca variant for $25k
Added - Allowed independents to Purchase Opfor Special Purpose Suit and Full Ghilly to offset the opfor advantage since these items have inbuilt ballistic protection not available to indi
Tweak - Adjusted vehicle storage so that you must have ownership of the vehicle in order to store it to prevent some abuses that had been occurring
Tweak - Adjusted server Antihack and Battleye filters
Tweak - Adjusted team switch functionality to force save player data before it switches them
Tweak - Adjusted client respawn code
Tweak -Adjusted size of some spawn zones slightly
Tweak -Adjusted some store prices slightly to bring them in line with BIS balance changes
Tweak - Improved vehicle/Player painter
Tweak -Added more skins
Tweak -Adjusted a few map locations that were posing difficulties
Tweak -Added more map features
Tweak - Adjusted some territory rewards
Tweak - Fixed some buggy UI elements in the player menu
Tweak - Assorted Bugfixes
Tweak - Adjusted various client message strings to be more informative and less confusing
Deleted - 3D spotting System which provided map markers of enemy vehicles/players without the player needing to actually see them
Extra Details
Team Balance Script:
Will stop players joining opfor/blufor if that team has more than 5 people more than the other main team.
This script does not stop you joining a team if you are already locked to it in the same restart and come back later/relog
Finding any Issues or bugs? Report your findings to our wasteland staff.
Like what you see? Many Thanks to @Dak Commstar for his amazing map editing and @Unit_3397 for his coding & Managing