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Kristian Davis

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Kristian Davis last won the day on March 3 2021

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42 Respected

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About Kristian Davis

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  • Birthday 02/04/2003

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  1. Kristian Davis

  2. Kristian Davis

    General Duties Inspector EOI Name: Kristian Davis Callsign: S03M Assignment: General Duties Why do you deserve a promotion?: In the many months of being in a supervisor role within GD, I developed into a better and more mature person, I believe my strengths, experiences and knowledge in leadership and tactics for GD/Operations has proven me as a capable commander and advisor. Being an easily approachable and active Senior Sergeant has allowed me the opportunity to teach and assist the lower ranks with their queries and point them in the right direction while also dishing out constructive criticism or minor wake-up calls. My attitude towards the APD and it's officers has always been one with respect and unquestionable dedication, with that being said, I'm always up for the challenge that could not only benefit myself but those around me so I take this opportunity to apply for the future command team to assist those who I serve with. Who would recommend you for a promotion?: Nuggy, Smith, Miller, Fedora, Aza, Mudman, Weaver, Andrew, Luxus, Metallic, Carreck, Sparrow and whoever else likes this post. Note: By placing this expression of interest you aren't entitled to the rank Inspector and it can be denied as well as issued a non-apply period of no less than 1 week. Don't bother anyone about your EOI, if you do it will be denied.
  3. Kristian Davis

    +1, Nicholai has been on that grind for a while now and has improved completely since he got Senior Constable, not only has he developed confidence with COing banks under the supervision of myself/others but also his knowledge of the common protocols and procedures has improved, noticeably he’s also been pushing his limits with inductions and has joined academy <3.
  4. Kristian Davis

    +1, Weaver has not only been an a good officer on his return, but he has shown to me and many others that people can recover from mistakes and learn from them, always have my referral <3.
  5. Kristian Davis

    As an officer that has served with and under Andrew on other communities as well as Straya, Andrew has always strived to be the best he can be in any situation and has proved to me that he’s ready to take on a more senior position within the GD ranks +1
  6. Kristian Davis

    +1, very active, shows a very positive and uplifting attitude towards the APD, Aza has definitely developed his combat and leadership skills since he was a recruit and always puts in effort
  7. Kristian Davis

    +1 Loveable guy and very approachable
  8. Kristian Davis

    Nice spar 16
  9. Kristian Davis

    Sergeant Expression of Interest Note: By placing this expression of interest you are not entitled to the rank Sergeant and it can be denied as well as issued a non-apply period of no less than 1 week. Do not bother anyone about your EOI, if you do it will be denied. Name: Kristian Davis Callsign: K18W Assignment: General Duties Training: (Induction) Prophecy, (Rank Training) JotJTX List all Recruit Inductions you have done: Fred, Remi, cbjo, THECuzzey, Barry Madden, Snowycat403, Jaydon, DeBoiz | DeHead, Icy Tundra, Triston Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min): I believe that I have somewhat qualified for applying for Sergeant because I have CO'ed GD and small scale Bank Robberies a great deal of time and from what I've heard from both higher and lower ranks is that I'm good at it. There's still plenty of things I need to learn before calling myself qualified for the position of Sergeant and I'm more than willing to receive feedback from people, to be completely honest this whole experience on Straya Gaming has been a game-changer because I'm used to Lakeside and small communities, it's been a fun run so far and I've enjoyed almost all of the time I've been in the police force and I've learnt a lot since I played cop on other servers. My experiences so far have made me determined to continue my career within the APD and I'm preparing to hopefully take the next step in becoming a helpful, funny and friendly face in the APD Who would recommend you for a promotion?: @DDR @Prophecy @ItsDanielFTW @BigBenno @DJ_JoozBrorg @Weaver @HAMME @deadpool21 @Metallic @Mrmudman @Aza1212 + Anyone else who likes this post
  10. Kristian Davis

    +1 good roach and well informed and trained officer,
  11. Kristian Davis

    +1 very active on GD and Detectives, probably one of the best COs you could get, never had an issue with him and dedicated officer Would highly recommend for a promotion
  12. Kristian Davis

  13. Kristian Davis

    +1 excellent officer and even better guy in general please promote this absolute gentleman already