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Everything posted by insanD

  1. insanD

    I don't know why I find this funny, but I do nonetheless.
  2. insanD

    Oath. Welcome to the community, hope the police career works out for you.
  3. insanD

    Congratulations on becoming a father! Welcome back to Straya mate.
  4. insanD

    G'day @Kontrasts, Please watch your step, Leopard normally lays at the door.
  5. insanD

    Yeah watch out for Envy, he's a loose cannon. But regardless, welcome to StrayaGaming!
  6. insanD

    New jets look amazing, Can't wait for them to come out!
  7. insanD

    //LOCKED As these changes have already been implemented.
  8. insanD

    It just wasn't posted in the forum post. Mistake on our behalf but it was intended for removal.
  9. insanD

    Party in the Head Lead office?
  10. insanD

    @Lotza, I believe some of the staff are working on the next one. If I don't forget(and now that the server is stable), I might put a small one on Friday(24/02/)
  11. insanD

    You called? OT: Awesome idea, looking forward to blessing your church sessions.
  12. insanD

    Welcome bud! Enjoy your time on Altis Life and maybe check some of our other servers out?
  13. insanD

    Worked with you for such a little time, Enjoy whatever you plan to do, appreciate the effort you've put into StrayaGaming.
  14. insanD

    I like that insanD guy, he's sometimes a dickhead though
  15. insanD

    @vizzN @Sam I Am
  16. insanD

    #SealforVideoProductionLeader Loved it.
  17. insanD

    My personal stance on it is removing the 'Inspector+ cannot commit any rebel activities', and keeping the 'SRT/ASIO cannot commit any rebel activities'. Reason being is that SRT/ASIO are kind of like gangs in a weird sense.
  18. insanD

    If you get VDMed and you have evidence of your gear, you get compensation, easy. If you die of thrist/hunger, it's a mechanic of the game, your body is free reign to get looted.
  19. insanD

    That'll be a two week ban for VDM. I'm kidding... Or am I?
  20. insanD

    If you see this, please come report it to us. My take on this is, would you see somebody on a main road, in a go-kart in real life? Not really, very dangerous to be in an exposed vehicle like this when normal cars can come along and wipe you out like a fly.
  21. insanD

    Peace out Lachlan, I will love you endlessly.
  22. insanD

    (Forgive my lateness, but I would like to give you a reply nonetheless) History does have a tendency of repeating itself, although trialing certain rules is a must for a progression of a server. The Altis Life Administration team are trying to remove any features/rules that are deemed to be 'restricting roleplay' for the good of the progression of the server. If you or anybody have any suggestions to the rules, I ask you to private message me, or any one of the Altis Life Staff, so we can discuss it internally for a start.
  23. insanD

    Not as bad as my ArmA III playtime...
  24. insanD

    I know I'm alittle late but...
  25. insanD

    Whipped this one up in the staff slack... @Leopard Should I get the other one?