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About Tim

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  • Birthday December 12

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  1. Tim

  2. Tim

    If you only plan on doing bombing runs from about 500m up then the greyhawk and a FOB might make sense, but it’s going to get minced the second AA or something with an auto cannon spawns. Otherwise its almost faster to rearm the sentinel at main base even if the AO is halfway across the map due to how long it takes the greyhawk to gain altitude and fly anywhere. Also adding a UAV selector to the laptop would remove the game of roulette when re-rolling for the 3rd time trying to get the sentinel.
  3. Can the ability to teleport to side be added to the ironside area or the whole base no fire zone. Currently if you switch roles at ironside you have to respawn or run to main base in order to then teleport to the side base.
  4. Tim

  5. Tim

    Better late than never.
  6. Tim

    Mortar roe box

    Can you shorten the timer on the popup box when you get into a mortar or move it so you dont have to wait 3 min to see what rounds your firing and at what range.
  7. Tim

    What if you enable it for everyone but leave it ticket based, that way even if the FOB is right next to the AO the pilots still have to run supply’s for it to keep working. Also having unlimited tickets when the server population is low might not be a bad idea.
  8. Can a similar way of teleporting to side from base get added to the FOB seeing as the only way to currently spawn there is to have been killed, requiring you to run out of base into a field and blow yourself up, which doesn’t even work half the time because of Robocop.
  9. Tim

    Pumpkin Eater
  10. Tim

    We are now in this war. We are all in it, all the way.
  11. Tim

    You win some and Lose some
  12. Tim

    In SQUAD we trust
  13. Tim

    Cannon's away captain
  14. Tim

    The "bullet resistant" divers that spawn next to the uav for the secure uav side mission are slightly annoying
  15. Tim

    If the medical supply's for the IDAP mission are put into a vehicle and the vehicle is destroyed they disappear and there is no way to end the mission.