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FBI last won the day on December 31 2017

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About FBI

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  1. FBI

    I think Invictiis has gone crazy.
  2. FBI

    This is the most confusing post i've ever seen.
  3. FBI

    Only 272 times... Everyone knows you need 300 before it's considered unfair
  4. FBI

    Also sorry to disappoint, but no "Dramatic Analysis" today. I will say one thing though and that's kits where only implemented in July 2017. Also i'll just leave these here...
  5. FBI

    So database logs from 2017 are fabricated? Players filing reports and complaining are fabricated? I was once told from one of these staff members "Logs don't lie", well they sure don't do they? Now unless you're trying to tell everyone that this evidence is fabricated. No, what's insulting is the players that were banned, abused and neglected due to a person in a position of power. Could you please provide some examples? I can name a few for one. Using leadermarkers to gain an unfair gameplay advantage through gaining the knowledge of where every single group leader was on the map at all times. Whenever my group used to play on the server we would assign a 'sheep' to be group leader, which essentially means sentencing him to die at the hands of Ya Mum, and surely enough this happened every single time. It wouldn't matter if you where 15 meters apart from each other, he would always kill the group leader 90% of the time. With jets, rockets, drones and finally wall banging with a APDS Lynx. If you're telling me these reasons to not equate to disgruntled players as they would die due to a major disadvantage, any element of surprise or stealth went out the window when you where either a group leader or a Single Indi player (Counts as leader). If anyone questioned him in global he would come up with any excuse to say he wasn't using an unfair advantage. Anyone should sure as hell quit the server after being shot through a wall with a Lynx multiple times, and he always gave the same excuse "Your gun was through the wall" etc. Multiple times.. If you don't see the problem here then why even question StrayaGaming Leads. No you cannot but you can sure as hell run it into the ground through abuse of power. What exactly does 'dirt' consist of? You make it sound like hard evidence is to be ignored because it is 'dirt' Of course if someone is banned unfairly they will try their best to get unbanned. Imagine if you spoke about kits in global and got permanently banned, doesn't seem right does it? Or if you saw an admin spawn inside a jet then went to question it and got banned? It sounds like you cannot accept the hard truth of the manner. Your friends cheated and they got caught, you can make any excuse you want but at the end of the day they're in the wrong. So you're telling me the ability to spawn in fully kitted with a Thermal helmet, AA, Ghillie, Lynx and Nightstalker isn't unfair. What about a Compact, Thermal Helmet, Navid and Nightstalker. This can be argued as gear does not equate to skill. However when you combine that with the use of Leadermarkers it opens the gates to so many possibilities. Tell me exactly how the use of these kits which would normally cost near 90k each isn't unfair to be used unlimited times , or how it does not unfair affect others, or how it is a minor perk. You can't? That's alright, I wouldn't be able to either. The whole arrangement of "it is a minor perk as mentioned for people who have to spend their playing time moderating the server and not accumulating money" is invalid once the people who have access to it played every single day for 30 days straight for multiple hours per day. Anyone could accept the use of those kits if they had limited play time, or that they are hard at work developing for the server, or expanding the map. But once you give a function like that to someone who plays more than 80% of the playerbase and allow him to do as he wishes it becomes a major problem. On the off chance he dies with all these advantages or a player kills him despite him knowing their location all the time, he can spawn another in and do it all again? No, anyone with half a brain would call this an unfair advantage, but you call it a "Minor Perk" and argue that it does not negatively affect others. Additionally loadouts to my understanding where allowed for moderate use, not for usage unlimited times within the day. I cannot say my opinion on this manner as i do not know what goes on behind closed doors at StrayaGaming, however i'm sure the Staff members where warned. It also makes me sad that this kind of behaviour was allowed to go on for such a long period of time, and i am thankful for Red & LuckyB33f naming and shaming the staff in question. How exactly was it unfair, maybe it unfair to the players that where on the other end of it? What and when he chooses to do when your are playing is completely up to him, however even though you may of never seen him use kits recently, the server logs once again are there and they do not lie. And i'm sure those newer staff members have done more for StrayaGaming than Ya Mum did in his entire years of 'hard work', of which all he was an over glorified moderator. He was given power to do good and he abused it and was dealt with. How exactly isn't it true that he abused his powers, you cannot look at the cold hard facts and accept them, please tell that the the many people that have quit Wasteland due to him, or the individuals that where unfairly disadvantaged due to his 'non-abuse' of power.
  6. FBI

    Observing weather in the video game Arma 3 is more interesting than game play apparently. Why not just have static weather with no environmental details to make the experience so boring and uninteresting to maintain happiness within the community uproar that is happening.... What exactly is the point of this? It's not funny/relevant in any way.
  7. FBI

    HI, it appears people cannot make a simple suggestion on the forums to change/implement something in game. So i will do it for them. Currently the weather system is 'broken' and rains the majority of the time, when you get the chance @James32 could you please adjust the server so it rains less frequently to stop people coming on the forums making themselves look like idiots and boosting their posts etc. Not sure why the individual cannot make a simple post that states the issue & suggest how to fix it. Thanks.
  8. FBI

    Doesn't look like anything to me.
  9. FBI

    Would you like to remind everyone why you where banned in the first place? I genuinely do not understand your Point of view on this situation, you want the only Wasteland Developer to be removed from his job for optimising the server and removing unnecessary objects that heavily impact on server performance? The information you are receiving is disturbingly wrong. You're unhappy because there are a few bugs in the current build and believe @James32 head should be taken off for these horrible crimes. I remember back in the day, Wasteland ran like complete shit with 5 second delays on map marker icons, that is never the case anymore. IMO this is one of the most retarded posts I've ever read on any forum ever, please consider about what you are typing before you do so because you've come off extremely stupid and made a embarrassment of yourself.
  10. FBI

    @Gotenks Sorry, traded my ps4 version in last week. As per everyone else just waiting for pc release now.
  11. FBI

    Tanks are priority targets, also why kill one person when you can drive into a town and kill many
  12. FBI

    I look foward to attacking central smaller area I think i need a refresh on some helmets, or maybe they need to be buried. Also the suicide cars have worked no one uses tanks anymore
  13. FBI

    Smaller map = more suicide bombings = more mad opfor?