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Yuri last won the day on January 8 2017

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441 Glorious

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About Yuri

  • Rank
    Godlike Forumer
  • Birthday 02/14/1996

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  1. Yuri

    My whole life just flashed before my eyes, I gave it 2 stars
  2. Yuri

    Have you looked into the possibility of becoming one of the community divisions for said game? Might be some opportunity for community growth there. https://www.hellletloose.com/community
  3. Yuri

    If you really are as keen as you say for running/setting up this server then shoot an email to these guys [email protected] and have a chat to work out pricing etc. on your new server. I personally think that this is a bad Idea as we have done rust multiple times with no real success (and the only time the server was fun was with @Brodie running it). At the moment I personally think we should make the stuff we have work well then move into expanding via esport groups and new games that are actually out and not just sitting on early access.
  4. Yuri

    G'day mate, Interesting issue. Are you sure you put the xml link in your profile from the arma 3 main menu? Are you sure that UID's/Names are correct in the xml? They have to be exact (sometimes a little space appears which will make the name incompatible) Also is the picture the right size? Send me your XML link and I can have a look for anything that might be the issue with it (might take me a day or two seeing as I am not staff here anymore but we will see)
  5. Hello Strayagamers, Due to the following reason/s it is with a heavy heart that we are announcing the shutdown of the Conan Exiles server. Unfortunately this server has not seen the player count that we see on our other servers, this being because of the large amount of servers that have also entered this game before/ at the same time as us and not as many people have bought as we thought might have. Due to this fact and because we have seen it before in the past with other servers we have decided that it is time to pull the plug. We have however released a new string of BlackWake servers and they are booming with players who just want to live as pirates. We are always looking for new servers and I will be personally keeping an eye on the Conan Exiles community and if I see more people getting it and less servers around then I will work with the Head Leads to see if there it could be an option. Maybe when the game is completely released in 2018 (so they say) there will be more need of Conan Servers. If you have any ideas of servers that you would like StrayaGaming to release then please get in contact with the community management team. I am especially sorry to On3nut and Gizmo for staying with us though this and putting a lot of time into the server we hope to see you join our community and maybe play some of the other games we have as a community. Thanks and Best Regards, Yuri - Ex-Conan Exiles Manager
  6. Yuri

    Is that not the point. The point of having it on KOS island is to make it a risk. You take a risk camping it and you take a risk getting the goods
  7. Yuri

    I have always given my support for this I will discuss with the other admins and our manager so that we can work out how to do this (I have some Ideas in mind)
  8. We are currently working out a potential prize giveaway and entry is donating to this cause. We will stay in touch with you all when we make a decision.
  9. Yuri

    1 - This applies to cartels and Civilian contractors 2 - This applies to Cartels 3 - Corruption if found is dealt with by the police and judicial system 4 - Civilian contractors/Rebels/Cartels have been known to take on hit men jobs if necessary 5 - The Government will always be corrupt. The judicial system and police force do what they can to take down corruption 6 - Cartels do this at Banks/Fed and Civ contractors do this around the map 7 - Rebels Terrorize the land. Cartels just own and run a illegitimate business. 8 - The Civilian Contractors are businessmen so they care about making smart economical decisions Cartels work with the police because they are also against the Rebels (the enemy of my enemy is my friend) Also the banks hold the cartels money and the Federal reserve holds the Cartels Gold, hence why they are willing to help the cops defend. Also the 'corruption' is that we find rebels (who are trying to take down the government) and we hand them into the police force as a sign of good will. Yes the cartels do illegal drug runs but that is but a petty crime when there are rebeling forces trying to take down the country and government. @Vairix Pretty sure i covered the jist of it aye @Leopard
  10. Roleplay of the week Competition First Week Winner is: @Seal In the Civilian category and getting his gear on Cop (only time this is allowed because nobody else uploaded their RP vids). Seal has won some awesome gear (see list below) from his Role Play video of him crashing and getting help from the Police and Medics to try and repair his heavily damaged leg. Check it out below: Seal has won the following; Qty 1 - Type 115 6.5 mm (Black) Qty 5 - 6.5 mm 30Rnd Tracer (Green) Caseless Mag Qty 5 - PG-7VM HEAT Grenade Qty 1 - Stealth Sound Suppressor (6.5 mm, Green Hex) Qty 1 - Kahlia (Black) Qty 1 - VR Suit [NATO] Qty 1 - Vest (Press) Qty 1 - Heli Pilot Helmet [NATO] Qty 1 - Viper Harness (Black) With Seal being the only player to submit a video he has won by default but also deserves the gear, I hope that you all see what he has won and try and get your RP vids up for us to watch. Also remember that there seperate are prizes for all three factions Where to submit your video (if you submit it here then it will not be counted); https://goo.gl/forms/uKxeUWsGBZxQ4j3a2 Best regards and Happy Roleplaying, StayaGaming Altis Life Staff
  11. Yuri

    @Smoziee If you would like to help out (seeing as it is your event Idea) Send a message on the forums to leopard and I on the sort of Items should be scattered throughout and if you like you can be the auctioneer on the day. meaning you get to run it and we will provide the assets (obviously we keep the money though)
  12. Yuri

    neither, our Global Admin Quantum (ALI) has the best voice hands down
  13. @Vairix, I understand that it is difficult to get started hence why I have been working on a project to help new players. I do know that the guide that is currently on the forums is out of date and will try to update it as a quick fix but at the moment help desk and side chat are the best ways to learn