So i am making this post because we get a lot of posts asking the same thing over an over. From now on, we won't go explaining why we chose to make that decision you will simply be directed here.   Q. Hey you guys should add Task Force Radio to the server. It would add a more intense level of realism and increases squad communication by a lot making the experience overall better. A. While yes it would be fun and more realistic to have the Task Force Radio mod on the server. It would need to be a requirement to play because all the correct frequencies would need to be setup. This cannot be done without the modules that come with the mod. You might then suggest to make it an optional mod because yes, that would somewhat work. We tried this in a test with some players and it worked great. But there were problems where players in tanks couldn't communicate with their long range radios to other players because they were using vehicles from opposite factions, eg the Kuma (AAF). There would also be the problem where, some pilots would want to use the mods but others wouldn't. Communication with the pilots would become messed up as some pilots wouldn't be able to hear other pilots. Or the pilots using TFAR would need to be in a different Channel so they can comm with other TFAR users.   Q. When are you guys making a Tanoa Invade an Annex? A. We aren't. For the time being. Why? Well the player base for Tanoa I&A is not present in the Oceanic Region. When Tanoa was first Released there was a server on Tanoa for I&A. Most people played it for a day and got bored and went back to Altis. Tanoa is also part of the Apex DLC and a lot of people do not have it as some believe it is not worth for what you get. Getting A Tanoa I&A would also cut out of the playerbase of the Altis I&A server. which decreases the fun for everyone.   Q. When are you guys making a modded Invade an Annex? A. The Same Reason we aren't making a Tanoa I&A. because the playerbase for a modded Invade an Annex isn't present in the oceanic region. While yes there would be a somewhat consistent playerbase, many players would return to Vanilla I&A because that's where the rest of the players are. Its not fun flying 2 people back an forwards in a black hawk simply because its a black hawk.   Q. Why don't you guys start a milsim/realism group thats like I&A? A. Because we have tried this in the past and it doesn't work. There are plenty of Milsim units around that do the job. If you have Further Questions please contact one of the I&A Staff Below @Fitz @InfamousNova @Rogmantosh @shift597 @Richard @Ora209 @Kyroe @M9' @BridTheAtl