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Chris J.

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Posts posted by Chris J.

  1. Name: Chris J.

    Callsign: K13W

    Date of Disciplinary Action: 01/01/18

    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: Strike

    Who were you Disciplined by: Nclem

    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Fail Rp with medics / Protocol Breach

    Why the appeal should be accepted: I request that the appeal be accepted due to the fact that this is not a huge protocol breach and barely a protocol breach. The only thing I could find that in this case may be considered a protocol breach is in 1.0 General & Communications - 1.4 All Officers are to follow server rules before protocol. Basically I was on patrol with my partner Skyfise and we saw a yellow and purple off-road. Yellow off-road going speed limit and purple speeding. We were just about to turn around to engage in a traffic stop with the purple one and the player named "Zac" rammed the front of the hatchback sport  killing all three of us.  VDM... We were then revived by ems and I restrained Zac and was about to take him to PD when a car exploded. I don't know how but I know this was all avoidable and the whole reason this revive/EMS role-play started. Things I want to point out as well during the time about to receive this punishment. In my opinion and defense some excuses for receiving the punishment was "When you hear *Representing the amount of complaint forms made with a noise* it creates a bigger issue and gets your attention" implying that because more people reported it makes the punishment worse than if one person was to report it. In my opinion this sounds like just because the group of ems who stay in a channel together and talk about whatever they want because there is no real "Coms" they can tell each other to make a report and make it look bigger than it is. Another quote is "We received other complaints from ems that just were either considered ridiculous and were too small." So if there were no big issues with EMS and this was my first big and real issue with EMS shouldn't it be a warning or at least a talk? The only reason I am fighting this Strike is due to a application that depends on my reputation as a officer and this in my opinion is a attack on me and my application as I feel this would and can be a deciding factor in the decision. I request no punishment.

    Any other information: I don't want to claim bias but I would like to point out that Nclem did know how the ems that reported me treat their ems roleplay. He even made a claim saying that "If you get revived by Tony Abbot you will definitely be going back to hospital." Funny thing is I checked ems database and it turns out he is a snr paramedic. https://gyazo.com/40073ccbc20e7f8b5059da9946f92cdc

  2. Name:  Chris J.

    Callsign: KO7W

    Date of Disciplinary Action: 11/22/17

    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: 24 HR Taser & Demotion

    Who were you Disciplined by: Matthew and Augnov

    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Shooting other officers in a safezone at PD

    Why the appeal should be accepted: I have 3 main reasons. My first main reason is that I stick to my claim that I originally ended or started with. If I do no damage nor physical or in game damage. I should not be punished for it. I also stick to what I said that regardless of if I shot them or not. It was because they refused to listen and seeing as I am a snr. constable I have no authority besides rank over them. "Both times" I was CO and 1 I take responsibility for there were higher ups in the channel and basically I had a lot of people not listening.  My second and main reason is that I expected and hoped that AUGNOV & MATTHEW would move them out of the channel and tell them to start listening but failed to do so. Both Matthew and Augnov expected me to bring it to them instead of them dealing with it? I was saying it in TS intentionally to hopefully attract the higher ups attention. Which they in my opinion failed to acknowledge. My third and main reason was that I was set up. Due to claims before hand Matthew and Augnov forced someone I was highly acquainted with and told him to intentionally mess around DYNAMIC then told me to do it(My gun was pointed at him). Augnov then asked who shot in PD. I owned up to it expecting nothing but the usual "Don't Shoot in PD." Basically which is entrapment. I spoke to Matthew and Augnov on my own and they said at first I wasn't going to be demoted if I agreed it was wrong. I agreed but then Matthew asked why I thought it was okay for me to shoot people at PD and I responded. I was then demoted. I have had impeccable reputation for my CO'ING and POLAIR but I feel like command are recklessly throwing demotions. I would also like to add I was given no warnings and never have heard that you can get demoted for shooting people in PD.

    Any other information: My last demotion I was told by some people that they actually had nothing really against me just a simple issue which was my GD weapon. Meaning they recklessly threw a demotion and had nothing but simple warn-able offenses against me.

  3. Name: Chris J.

    Call sign: Current 018W - Old K01W

    Date of Disciplinary Action: 10/21/17

    What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: 1 Strike & Demotion

    Who were you Disciplined by: Kiwi & Mitch

    Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: "Unnecessary use of force" & Using a weapon not allowed on GD

    Why the appeal should be accepted: First thing I would like to explain. It starts as the suspect shot at officers and was baiting cops. He almost shot out a tire of a officers vehicle which caused him to forcefully turn right which ran 2 officers vehicles off the road. Almost killing both and fully disabling them. Lethals were authorized and we continued to PC as a officer crashed again due to attempting to continue pursuit with the suspect. I asked permission to fire and was given permission. I Engaged the vehicle and attempted to kill the suspect to terminate him from causing any more damage to officers and possibly any civs. In the video you can see I was set up and ready to for lethals to be authorized. They were authorized and the suspect was engaged. His wheels happened to get shot out and as I thought he was going to jump out. Which in the video it looks like he is about to do so as he slows down and attempts to come to a stop and looks at us. He was armed and he was dangerous. I felt by terminating the subject I save a lot of lives. The rule I follow by and is a huge part of "ROLEPLAY" is fear RP or valuing your life. A lot of cops have been pulling the FAIL RP card. But this is incorrect. If anyone was failrp it would be civs. A lot of civs engage cops and we don't often do this. Most times lethals are used its because a common force is used against them. That is what happened here. Officers were shot and he was killed. End of story. As for the using weapons not allowed on GD. I was using a MXM 6.5 and had a taser pistol with 20 mags. The reason for this is because I was recently POLAIR on my last session and as far as I know I have been told differently. I have been told you are allowed to use whatever you can buy in your shop as long as you have lethals and tazers.

    Any other information: Killing a civ shooting at you = Fail RP? / tazing a civ shooting at you = Fail Fear RP

    I have been on a lot of roleplay servers and this ranges from altis life all the way down to A3L or intense RP. Never heard that you may not shoot a civ who is shooting at you..

    The Only reason I have decided I am not going to just leave the server for this outrageous demotion. Is because I want to set example to the mindset we should have rather then we have.

    Also that is some nice metagame he does there at the end by telling the whole server cops are at PC1 but yet this hasn't been cracked down on.

    He tries to speed away wheels get shot out he was going 11km then realizes his wheels are out and tries to slow down. I had all intentions to kill him and did not plan on knocking his wheels out.



  4. 43 minutes ago, Lucas Gluesniff said:

    i feel that fact that cops had the weapon advantage when we killed 3 of then pushing into bank we played the smart cards and won over skill. cops had every advantage SP had no armored vics all had pdw or a vermin no hermits it did come down greatly to skill. coming from a cop im going to do doing some mandatory training this weekend coming hopefully.

    Lucas I don't think its fair that you should have to do training and its necessarily not fair for others. I am not going to point or make name callouts. Just think of it as we were trying a strategy with very low ranks and we had no real leader. We took random strategy ideas from anyone and said yes to it. Nobody knew what they were doing. If anything I feel the only training we need to start doing is the trainings all the cops need from this list such as driving training and all those other trainings that a LOT of cops don't have. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LiWxIJRXRbkpc60wtdb5KOukP5HPGM_C80I5pb1qe6Q/edit?usp=sharing/

    Sadly that was a terrible representation of the APD and I say that from a wide standpoint. Hopefully that Westpac tonight is not a representation of the whole APD. Cause its not. Just poor decisions and poor leadership at the time. 

  5. 38 minutes ago, Vitale said:

    SP respond by doing a bank with 9mm smg's and look at the channels enough said point proven


    We basically got stomped. 9 cops and around 10 SP  we had 4 people who couldn't even get armor past level 1 or 2.



    I will point out some things I liked though.

    1 hour ago, Vitale said:

    Remove armored vehicles from both sides and only allow SRT to have hunters or something which forces most cops and rebels to use normal vehicles this removes the stupid ramming combat shit that happens currently

    Do this please. This will add so many different elements. Remove everything above a 9.3 (including the navid) and I feel like this would be enough by itself. Having rebels in the best armor from head to toe is bad enough and the fact a lot of the times they external making it even harder to have gun fights with them and making them ghosts in the huge town of buildings. Even worse is they have a strider with the smallest doors and best armor. It makes rebels almost like they have god mode. Exposing everyone to open fire at any point is a great way to make tactics valid and make a great balancing point. Even if MGs weren't removed I still feel this would be enough due to the fact that nobody can be shielded by heavy armor and avoid damage.


    1 hour ago, Vitale said:

    Bring in a rule that states they must protect the bank and teller not roam around externally hunting cops

    1 hour ago, Vitale said:

    Bring in a rule that states once teller is dead they actually have to stop fighting and flee not camp the area and kill cops once they lose the bank or teller which is what currently happens there is an actual rule already but nobody enforces it and rebels just say we couldn't leave cops were there

    These 2 are perfect together. You think in real life the rebels or criminals want to risk their life to get some more kills? No they want to run away with the bags of loot they get they only wall stopping them is the police further chasing. In reality officers in game just want to cease the bank and return to normal GD. You want to kill people for fun go play some KOTH or Battle Royale...


    1 hour ago, Vitale said:
    • Cops need a teleport flag pole for each spawn they have so when banks are hit off we can teleport from sydney to melb gear and drive like 5km instead of 10km this could also be implemented for medics to allow them to revive people in various areas of the map and also added for rebels / cartel for there spawns if they think there's any use for such a thing


    • If the flag pole idea will not be considered at all then consider removing the rule that says we can't log off and respawn in another PD and allow cops anywhere on map that aren't in combat to relog as well 

    Too abuse able. I wouldn't want it. Just give us the ability to relog...

    Also my own little suggestion is that we add a kit system. The ability to create a specific kit and purchase it with the right amount of money would make for easy gearing for GD and banks and feds.

    • Like 1

  6. 6 minutes ago, Rory said:

    Rhys had plenty of knowledge about the cop force before even joining S.R.T, S.R.T didn't help him nor any other SP members. Rhys was put in S.R.T because he knew how to do things others didn't, he is good at the game. 

    When Rhys was in S.R.T, they didn't associate with GD, therefore only 'gaining' knowledge of S.R.T? Which at the time would've been full of SP members anyway?

    Think about it though, how many people go from rebel gangs to cop/srt. Look @ the current roster,

    Lucas - SP. 

    Surey - Leader of NTR

    Aaron - Been in and out of NTR

    Augnov - No gang? 

    Jay - SP (started cop, but went SP with Rhys)

    Cables - NTR

    Apollo - NTR

    In conclusion, I feel like this post is pointless.

    Regardless of if you feel its pointless. Its in discussions for a reason. To see what everyone thinks about it and maybe give me info I didn't know. I haven't been here that long but yes officers trained in APD do have some sort of advantage and know how the system works when it comes to PD.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Caiden said:

    This post seems less about people being in rebels gangs, and more about people being in SP. is it only SP you dont want to be able to play cop or is it all the rebels? because everything you have said in this post relates to sp..

    No and I don't want to make it about (SP)  but necessarily it is (SP) that most APD officers go to. Now in the event it wasn't (SP) and maybe officers all went to (HN) that is still the same issue. You have to choose a side. I don't agree cops trained in APD tactics should be allowed to be able to rebel against APD. You are basically fighting Fire With Fire when it comes to experience in APD tactics and strategies. Now if we had no APD officers in any gangs it would always be Fire and Water and its up to APD or the gang to decide if they are the water or are they the fire. Whoever wins, wins. Legitimately with their own strategies and tactics.

  8. My argument statements:

    No officer whitelisted to police should be allowed to join frequently active rebel gangs or rebellious groups. Due to the shear fact that officers whitelisted learn daily tactics used to counter-act rebel activity and know how to use police strategies against officers on duty whilst they are off duty. For example and strongly known is Rhys Beckett. He was trained in S.R.T. and soon released from S.R.T. and is currently suspended. Knowledge earned in his time as S.R.T. gives him and his gang a huge advantage as he knows almost the best and strategic ways to wipe out the APD. Not only do officers whitelisted gain daily tactics they also sometimes do not end up assisting PD but rather assisting their gang causing the numbers of the APD to not shine so bright.

    How is this beneficial to the server?:  This seems in dire need. As for example today we have had only around max 14 cops? With about 40+ civs 8-10 being (SP) and most the rest of the civs were randoms and not gang affiliated. Regardless the APD numbers were in fluctuating around 7-9. Constant (SP) declarations, robberies, shootings all caused by (SP). With the lack of cops (because most of our cops were playing as SP) caused a usual retreat by APD due to being outnumbered or for fear it would be a massacre of APD and SP. Another huge RP benefit is that this will force rebels out into the open with no cop information to rely on besides their experience. Making it more respectable for knowledge of APD info and strategies.  This will cause rebels to think on their own and make their own strategies. Think about it. Rebels shouldn't be counter-acting APD it should be the other way around.


    Pictures of whitelisted officers in (SP). The issue: This is the issue. We have officers who have ranked through APD. Meaning they are either pretty good or have really good experience making them lethal against the APD in huge rebellious groups. APD officers need to decide whether to dedicate their experience to APD or join a Gang. Officers with high experience in the APD released from APD should still not be allowed to join gangs. As they have already dedicated their time to APD. 399ba572cf2c2c87f98a013c2a0bdfd2.png.ad5315bd90afd6356e7b6109b0f26c36.png578184e5a7b8723f7d51e5b349e5b816.png.7be2025784aa8515c1fb525f35cfeedd.pngea13704286b3a63d983cb1408b6e841f.png.2242df872b4e2f7d28764c6d84ad16be.png 

    In conclusion: In conclusion, officers dedicate their time and experience to be APD. If they want to join a gang they have to stay in it and not be apart of APD. They learn tactics from APD and it makes a obvious unfair advantage. If you join the APD you are able to receive training that can easily be used to assist the officer as a rebel. The APD is training LETHAL and DEADLY REBELS because we allow officers to be in gangs. Not only will removing the ability to be a officer and in a gang will make it so officers have a fair advantage and make their tactics actually plausible. It will make it so APD is training people who actually care to be police. Instead of running off to a popular gang and stomping APD.

    -Constable Chris J.





