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Posts posted by ball0fire

  1. so here i am playing  in the I&A server as my usual civilian engineer and i hear reports from these AAN news guys needing an urgent repair of their news van so i head down to them and find the abandoned van. I repair it anyhoo as it was out of danger and then head closer to the  skirmish.


    anyhoo long story short. my building,  i and my repair  ute  was  blown up and a medic was soon helping to get me  on my feet. what happend next threw me off guard  :)


    i was on TV !!!  :wooow:

    • kkool 1
    • Haha 1

  2. take it as you wish since i litteraly signed up to make this post  but i was just aboot to suggest lowering the player slots(somone ingame told me to) for that exact reason, joined right now with 60ish  players was 63 when i looked getting 16fps  at the main AO   drop the view distance to 1200m and its still at 16fps   ( i know ryzen fails for arma cos low ghz but this was  classic overloaded server)


    that is all i came to say , thank you for your time    and server
