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Everything posted by SunfromtheCloutgang

  1. SunfromtheCloutgang

    Name: sun.. Callsign: sun.. Date of Disciplinary Action: 12/2/2017 the date I found out I was blacklisted What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: blacklisted from playing cop Who were you Disciplined by: Mitch Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: I'm honestly not sure other than the fact that Mitch has something against me on a personal level, never really talked to him maybe I have upset him in the past or something definitely an issue that could be resolved if we had a chat. Why the appeal should be accepted: I haven't done anything wrong when playing as a cop I have followed all rules and I do my job, just because a higher up officer has something against me shouldn't limit me in playing. Any other information: he Might be holding a grudge he is probably a nice guy and might be able to get along who knows I personly have nothing against him. I'm happy to talk to any admin or anyone involved that could help resolve this issue in teamspeak it would mean a lot of we could work this out
  2. SunfromtheCloutgang

  3. SunfromtheCloutgang

    bro you could be a commentary youtuber