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Everything posted by Dans

  1. Dans

    I mean, even when its around 10 pop, you can still get fragged just as easily if there is 40 people on. The map is structured wonderfully, and not having an armoured vehicle shooting you down every 5 ****ing seconds when you try to go and buy yourself a weapon. @James32 is doing an absolute fantastic job fixing the server, and when I'm playing I have a great time. So don't diss the server if you don't want to make suggestions like @M9' said, and let James do the great work he is still doing.
  2. Dans

    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner !!!!!!!!!
  3. Dans

    Another one! Dead Rising 4 Pleaseeeeeeeeee
  4. Dans

    Well said actually
  5. Dans

    Nice Edit once again mate
  6. Dans

    Thanks DJ and congrats to the winner!
  7. Dans

    To be honest all you boys should have been in bed at the time. 1 o'clock in the morning?! Do you guys sleep or play 24/7?
  8. Dans

    DLC: Apex Why?: Because all my columbian drug smuggler friends are in Tanoa and I need to get over there to ship out mass amounts of cocaine. If it helps, I can hook you up with a couple kilos?
  9. Dans

    With this, TAG, or Tactical Assualt Group are trying to do this. As the CEO of the group, we are trying to make this an option for newer players. Someone else to contact instead of the police, a quicker response as well. The only problem we have, like the police, is we get targeted straight away and most people hate us for trying to do good. To be honest this doesn't even have anything to do with the topic.
  10. Dans

    Thanks a lot man, we appreciate what you do within the community and with the TAG group. Its nice to see that others are equally supportive of you, keep doing what your doing and you'll be alright man.
  11. Dans

    Personally, I play cop sometimes as a pubslot, and it's real good, but most pubslots that do things like this are immature or do not care about role playing. It's pretty frustrating but something that is unavoidable sadly.
  12. Dans

    Hunger games or something of the sort would be pretty sick, or do a fortnite / PUBG type thing as an arena pvp
  13. Dans

    Looks pretty sick, would like to see this in-game, better than the prison we have now