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Everything posted by Dredal

  1. Dredal

    Imagine robbing iron/copper runs ?
  2. Dredal

    Trick or Treat
  3. A weapons convoy mission is something I could see working, the police being alerted when one begins and the trucks location every few minutes. The mission would be high risk high reward with it taking a hefty amount of cash to begin. I also like the sound of @Jays idea.
  4. The federal reserve could possibly have a mixture of cash and gold to maximise the reward without having to cart all the gold to receive any benefit at all. A wild thought but I may as well share it.
  5. I love the new features and i’m sure i’ll enjoy it when I come back. I agree with @Connor McGregor. about the federal reserve though, if the federal reserve is anywhere close to the old one I would never consider moving the gold during an active situation. I think if some sort of armoured helicopter could carry gold bars it could be a possibility but other than that it’s a death trap, We’ll have to see though. ?