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About officeladyjacob

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    Learning Beginner

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  1. officeladyjacob

    Name: requis Callsign: [K28W] Training Completed By: [T07S] LM List all Pub Slot Inductions you have done: i have done two so far "Keanu" and "Mad Rassy", much more to come Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min) i feel like i deserve a promotion because of the hard work i have put into the APD since i was off that blacklist. i have put in 100% effort into everything i have done within the community and the APD, yes i have had some slip ups but me and corey have talked about those. since i rejoined i have climbed greatly and quickly within the police force, my skills as being CO and communication between all players are very good but there are some things i could work on, i think being a sergeant will teach me a lot about different values within the APD and different skills / tactics for banks or robberies, as well as general GD or POL AIR duties. The life i currently have outside of the community will greatly assist me as a sergeant (army), i know and have learnt values for use within a hierarchy system as well as tactical duties. I would be a great addition to the APD and the community as a whole while playing the role as a sergeant. i am a great player and most people within the community like me apart from a select few hehe, good day gentlemen Who would recommend you for a promotion? @Luke SRT Man @silentkiller
  2. officeladyjacob

    Name: requis TeamSpeak Name: requis Age: 17 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/0801137917392306275/ Hours as Pubslot (Min 15 hours) a lot Induction Training Completed By (Must have been completed no more than 30 days ago): can't remember who did it but i got 9/9 Questionnaire: - Why were you removed from the APD?: i was blacklisted for killing joshyG (long story won't go into detail but all the boys know) Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD?: (50 Words Min) because my blacklist was approved by mitch and i have changed my ways and most of the cops can see that. i was formally known as Officer Jacob but i have learnt not to team kill joshy g and i have fully restarted my ways and i was a good cop and knew a lot so thats why i think i should be re enlisted When was the last time you played consistently on Cop?: consistently was about every single day that i didn't have work and i had free time If you are enlisted into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: higher than my last rank, was almost at srt so i'd like to get there What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department?: (50 Words Min) bonds between officers, an exceptional SRT officer or pol air, y'all know how i am, great negotiater (multiple hostage encounters done and dusted) and plus i think it'd be nice for me to be back Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols?: indeed i am How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: well i've finished school so a ****in lot If you were demoted for any reason other than Inactivity, you are required to have at least two referrals from a Sergeant or above. Who are you referrals (@their forum name): @Ash (senior sergeant) @kmart
  3. officeladyjacob

    Name: requis TeamSpeak Name: requis Age: 17 Steam 64 ID/Player ID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/0801137917392306275/ Hours as Pubslot (Min 15 hours) a lot Induction Training Completed By (Must have been completed no more than 30 days ago): can't remember who did it but i got 9/9 Questionnaire: - Why were you removed from the APD?: i was blacklisted for killing joshyG (long story won't go into detail but all the boys know) Why should you be reenlisted back into the APD?: (50 Words Min) because my blacklist was approved by mitch and i have changed my ways and most of the cops can see that. i was formally known as Officer Jacob but i have learnt not to team kill joshy g and i have fully restarted my ways and i was a good cop and knew a lot so thats why i think i should be re enlisted When was the last time you played consistently on Cop?: consistently was about every single day that i didn't have work and i had free time If you are enlisted into the APD, where do you see yourself in 3 months?: higher than my last rank, was almost at srt so i'd like to get there What do you believe you can bring to the Altis Police Department?: (50 Words Min) bonds between officers, an exceptional SRT officer or pol air, y'all know how i am, great negotiater (multiple hostage encounters done and dusted) and plus i think it'd be nice for me to be back Are you up to date with the new Police Protocols?: indeed i am How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department?: well i've finished school so a ****in lot If you were demoted for any reason other than Inactivity, you are required to have at least two referrals from a Sergeant or above. Who are you referrals (@their forum name): @chris shaw @joshie yeezy
  4. officeladyjacob

    Name: wesley Player ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198130682592 Date of Disciplinary Action: 15/02/2018 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: blacklist Who were you Disciplined by: Mitch or Augnov Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: i honestly can't remember its been almost a year Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] because its been more than 10 months and i am no longer a cuck towards mitch. i don't like him but i'll see eye to eye with him and i'll be better in the community rather than last time. uhhh i miss bow a lot and i doubt he remembers me ? but yeah i've just matured a lot and joined the military so yeah woop Any other information: my name jeff
  5. officeladyjacob

    Name: jacob Player ID (If Blacklisted): (Z06B) Jacob 76561198130682592 Date of Disciplinary Action: 15/02/2018 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: i was permanently blacklisted Who were you Disciplined by: Cabinet/I&A Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: I teamkilled JoshyG while rebels were in sydney because he was doing fail rp and screaming and wasn't helping Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] this happened 2 months ago when i really disliked joshyg but ya know i dont even see him around or anything plus at the time that it happened it was "ok" by the CO because joshy was fail rp, screaming in ts and in game and having a fit when rebels were in sydney. i would love to play as cop again and get my rank back pls and thankq + i know u dont like me xd Any other information: i just wanna be a cop like my dad lol
  6. officeladyjacob

    Name: jacob Callsign: [Z06B] jacob (i think) Player ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198130682592 Date of Disciplinary Action: 15/2/18 What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: blacklist Who were you Disciplined by: mitch Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: [50 Words] i killed, joshy g because i was told by the co (ray) to do so. joshy g was rolling around screaming on the ground in game and on teamspeak while rebels where shooting at me. he was treated by a medic for a 'broken leg' but after he got treated he was still rolling around screaming like a girl and we could not hear anything. Why the appeal should be accepted: i was told to kill him by the co for a perfectly reasonable situation. i acknowledge that what i did was wrong and would like to be unblacklisted Any other information: i was told i was getting a warning and not a blacklist. what i did got me blacklisted but how was joshyg not blacklisted after all the things he did. he just got warnings over and over
  7. officeladyjacob

    Name: jacob Callsign: recruit Date of Disciplinary Action: 5th jan What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: i was blacklisted because i did nothing but negative things all day while sitting at front desk of pd. Who were you Disciplined by: Mitch Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: i was doing negative actions, apparently threatening cops to be demoted (was zorgain) Why the appeal should be accepted: because mitch said id be temp banned for a week and then i could be whitelisted but it turned out to be a month Any other information: its so unfair