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Everything posted by 2Square

  1. Strayagaming is sadly dying. There are 36 civilians on the server on a Friday night. We believe that if Sydney is brought back as a spawn-able location on the server, it will be a lot more fun and have a lot more players. We also believe that the community (the players) should be able to vote on rules. We think that more rules should be introduced that allows players with rebel and contractor training to go into city limits and more rules that allow combat in those areas. We hope that the Strayagaming staff team that this on board the fixes the server
  2. 2Square

  3. 2Square

    You win some and Lose some
  4. 2Square

    In SQUAD we trust
  5. 2Square

    War. War never changes.
  6. 2Square

    *Pays respects*
  7. 2Square

    I bet I can throw a grenade through that window
  8. 2Square

    Cannon's away captain