Name: Bepsi_Boi
Player ID (If Blacklisted): 76561198256616466
Date of Disciplinary Action: about 1-2 weeks ago
What Disciplinary Action was placed against you: blacklisted from public cops
Reason for Disciplinary Action against you: Brother was on my PC when I was testing out pub cop for first time when I wasn't in the room, got back had been kicked thought it was cause I was afk, when I rejoined I got yelled at by some dude and didn't know why he then banned me because apparently I was trolling and didn't follow his orders of staying of the server or be banned I was angry and confused I had only played for five minutes. my brother said he was running around market people were pulling their guns on him so he told them to put them down or be shot in 10 seconds, after they shot at him he tased them, he told me they threatened to report him because it was brutality
Why the appeal should be accepted: [50 Words] what my brother did wasn't even trolling and it wasn't me, i would be grateful for a second chance, the time ive played as a paramedic has been great fun i get to save so many people, but i could help prevent those lives from having to be saved in the first place
Any other information: i would really like to become a white listed cop as you get to protect people and there aren't many good cops on this server