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Posts posted by DreadScythe

  1. 2 minutes ago, Jack Fallen said:

    The role of SRT shouldn't be ops is what i am going on about in real life they are a Response Team like SWAT and if there is a reason for them then go for it but otherwise go on GD or SRT Patrol in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane with other GD units.

    Comparing in game to real life is not a accurate demonstration of how things should be done. Think of it like this, are a good chunk of the civilian population rebels that carry 7.62 assault rifles around? No. Plus as i have previously stated one of the greatest privileges of being in a division is the ability to do ops and taking this ability away just to sustain an extra station is in my opinion a terrible idea

    • Like 1
    • Clap 1

  2. 4 minutes ago, Jack Fallen said:

    Simple if there isn't enough cops to sustain both Melbourne and Sydney or Sydney and Brisbane then don't go on OPS.

    For a division like SRT a big focus for them is doing ops. In my opinion preventing for example 5 SRT members from doing ops just to keep both stations fully sustained isn't a very good idea and plus it would mean that they would be more limited in there abilities to do ops, degrading one of the privileges of being in a division

    • Like 1
    • Wesmart 1

  3. i was once in a situation where i was escorting someone and i was suddenly engaged. Because of this if i had unrestrained him it would have led to my death. it think this is a must have


    • thonking 1

  4. i see what you're saying but the real problem for something like this is

    1. how civs/rebals would get these. ie would they be able to buy them from contractor/cartel or would they have to craft them with the upcoming crafting update and

    2. what cop ranks/divisions would have access to these suppressors?

    other than that im all for it

  5. As of the time of writing this I've been a Senior Constable now for around 2 to 3 weeks and am writing this because I believe that there are some flaws to how the APD does things regarding Senior Constables.


    first of all and probably my biggest point would be induction trainings. We (being Senior Constables) are taught how to do induction trainings and how to do them a certain way and don't get me wrong I think the APD has got a pretty good system when it comes to induction trainings but could be better. Just looking now the last time someone was inducted by someone other than a Senior Constable was the 31st, and ill come back to this later. Now here's my problem, the way you have to do them. If you see someone in the police lobby, first of all, you have to ask a sergeant to move him into Sydney LAC and then if he needs his induction done move him to the training room. Then once the induction is done you have to ask him yet again to add recruit tags and then maybe drag him back up. So in this process, you have to rely on a sergeant at least twice and maybe even 4 times. My idea is that if Senior Constables had the ability to drag people who are new to the ts or apply recruit tags the system would improve a lot as its literally impossible to 100% finish an induction with tags and everything if a sergeant or higher isn't on. I know my idea isn't foolproof but I think the fundamental idea is there and I do truly believe that something like this could improve the APD.

    Let me know your feedback and what you would think if something like this went through.

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