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Everything posted by DreadScythe

  1. DreadScythe

    Declaration of Application: - By placing this Application you are not guaranteed placement in the Academy. Your Application for Academy Officer in the APD may be Denied if your answers do not meet the minimum word limit, you lie in your answers, have an unsatisfactory history of Server Rule Breaches/ Protocol Breaches or fail to agree and acknowledge all statements and declarations in this Application. You Application may also be Denied after an Interview with a member of the Academy Command. If you application is Denied a time frame will be placed after which you may reapply. Acknowledgement of Declaration: (Y/N) Basics: - Name on Database: DreadScythe Callsign: K15W Rank: Senior Constable Age: 17 Questionnaire: - Why do you want to join the Altis Police Department Academy (100 words min)?: I have previously served as an academy member for around eight months and loved every bit of it. It was such a great experience and I took so much away from that time. I learnt valuable skills and made lots of friends. I did leave academy on my own terms but I want to get back into it as I believe that I still have a lot that I can bring to the table and want to take this next step in my APD career. As well as this academy has always been known a real community within the APD and I want to be apart of that. What can you bring to the Academy? (50 words min)?: I used to be the supervisor of training so I believe that there are many skills that I can bring back to the academy team. I am very much a people person and have always loved the social aspect of academy. As well as this I believe that I have a good reputation as someone who always works hard and achieves great things. Do you wish to work primarily in Enlistment or Training? Why? (50 words min)?: When I first joined I started off doing enlistments and then moved to training. Enlistments were always my favourite as I loved the behind the scenes aspect of it. I enjoy the responsibility of introducing recruits to the privileges of being a whitelisted officer and therefore want to focus on enlistments. How much time can you dedicate to the Altis Police Department Academy?: A large amount Have you ever been the subject of Disciplinary Action within the APD? If so when and why?: To my knowledge, I've never had any serious disciplinary actions taken against me. Conclusion: - Have you read the Altis Police Department Protocols?: (Y/N) By placing this application you acknowledge that any work you do for the APD can be edited by the Command Team and other Academy Officers without your consent. Any work you do for the APD remains the property of the APD. Any "Code Black" or confidential information you are given is to remain unreleased into the Community.
  2. DreadScythe

    // PENDING @Tino1113 Please join the Interview Waiting Room on ts.straya.life for an interview. Interview Checklist 1. A Positive Attitude 2. Your Application Link 3. Your Ticket List, 10 Codes & Protocols 4. Be Prepared To Explain Roleplay Situations 5. Your Knowledge of Basic General Duties Processes You have 7 days to show up for this interview. Failure to show up will result in the denial of your application. If you have any issues with the above please contact a member of Academy. Academy Supervisor - DreadScythe
  3. DreadScythe

    // PENDING REFERRALS @Jot@JoshieYeezy Please confirm your referral(s) for; @Tino1113 By liking this post. ? Academy Supervisor - DreadScythe
  4. DreadScythe

    // DENIED @Omiua Unfortunately your application has been denied for the following reason(s): Application had insufficient information Your application has been denied. You may reapply in 7 Days. If you have any issues or questions please contact a member of Academy. Academy Supervisor - DreadScythe
  5. DreadScythe

    // PENDING @Nahla Please join the Interview Waiting Room on ts.straya.life for an interview. Interview Checklist 1. A Positive Attitude 2. Your Application Link 3. Your Ticket List, 10 Codes & Protocols 4. Be Prepared To Explain Roleplay Situations 5. Your Knowledge of Basic General Duties Processes You have 7 days to show up for this interview. Failure to show up will result in the denial of your application. If you have any issues with the above please contact a member of Academy. Academy Supervisor - DreadScythe
  6. DreadScythe

    // PENDING REFERRALS @Haz @hugot Please confirm your referral(s) for; @Nahla By liking this post. ? Academy Supervisor - DreadScythe
  7. DreadScythe

    // PENDING @RealAnno Please join the Interview Waiting Room on ts.straya.life for an interview. Interview Checklist 1. A Positive Attitude 2. Your Application Link 3. Your Ticket List, 10 Codes & Protocols 4. Be Prepared To Explain Roleplay Situations 5. Your Knowledge of Basic General Duties Processes You have 7 days to show up for this interview. Failure to show up will result in the denial of your application. If you have any issues with the above please contact a member of Academy. Academy Supervisor - DreadScythe
  8. DreadScythe

    // PENDING REFERRALS @Jot Please confirm your referral(s) for; @RealAnno By liking this post. ? Academy Supervisor - DreadScythe
  9. DreadScythe

    // ON HOLD @RealAnno Unfortunately your application has been placed on hold for the following reason(s) Insufficient Referrals Needs to complete Maturity Standards Test Please Complete your given task within 7 days. Failure to do so will result in the denial of your Application. If you have any issues or questions with the above please contact a member of Academy. Academy Supervisor - DreadScythe
  10. DreadScythe

    // DENIED @Noordo Unfortunately your application has been denied for the following reason(s): Failed to appear for Interview Your application has been denied. You may reapply in 7 Days. If you have any issues or questions please contact a member of Academy. Senior Academy - DreadScythe
  11. DreadScythe

    Comparing in game to real life is not a accurate demonstration of how things should be done. Think of it like this, are a good chunk of the civilian population rebels that carry 7.62 assault rifles around? No. Plus as i have previously stated one of the greatest privileges of being in a division is the ability to do ops and taking this ability away just to sustain an extra station is in my opinion a terrible idea
  12. DreadScythe

    For a division like SRT a big focus for them is doing ops. In my opinion preventing for example 5 SRT members from doing ops just to keep both stations fully sustained isn't a very good idea and plus it would mean that they would be more limited in there abilities to do ops, degrading one of the privileges of being in a division
  13. DreadScythe

    By far the most active cop I have ever seen when it comes to inductions and to top it all off he is a really good CO +1
  14. DreadScythe

    Identification: - Name: DreadScythe In-Game rank and Callsign: Sergeant [S30E] Age: 16 Questionnaire [Minimum of 20 words per question]: - Why do you want to join Aviation?: I wish to join aviation as before POLAIR was disbanded i had the intentions of joining and now that it is incorporated with academy i can think of no better time than now to apply What do you hope to achieve in Aviation?: i hope to broaden and improve my skills as a pilot as it is by far one of my favorite things to do in the game Why you over anyone else? due to my rank both within Academy and the APD in general i think i have a level of expertise that is not commonly found in the APD What Aviation level are you aiming for and why?: my overall goal is to get to Aviation level 3 and to become a Aviation trainer helping people improve with there flying How much experience with aviation do you have? (In and out of game): i would consider myself to be a somewhat experienced pilot in game and out of game apart from flying on a plane i have no real experience Do you have any current or prior association with gangs/factions outside of the APD?: i have been part of various rebel and Sydney gangs in the past but i have no current rebel or gang associations Have you ever been kicked/banned/watchlisted on StyrayaGaming? (If so explain): i have been banned 3 times for combat logging and VDM and watch listed twice for meta gaming and combat logging Conclusion: - Recommendations? (Not required): Any recommendations from other officers? (If so list them): @Citric Anything else you wish to tell us?: no Have you read the Altis Police Department PolAir Protocols?: (Y/N)
  15. DreadScythe

    // PENDING @Jack Fallen Please join the Interview Waiting Room on ts.straya.life for an interview. Interview Checklist 1. A Positive Attitude 2. Your Application Link 3. Your Ticket List, 10 Codes & Protocols 4. Be Prepared To Explain Roleplay Situations 5. Your Knowledge of Basic General Duties Processes You have 7 days to show up for this interview. Failure to show up will result in the denial of your application. If you have any issues with the above please contact a member of Academy. Senior Academy - DreadScythe
  16. DreadScythe

    // ACCEPTED @Bobby Jones Welcome to the APD! As a Probationary Constable you will be placed on a 1 week probation period in which you must use your taser rifle. Any breach of protocols will result in a removal from the APD. [27/04/2019] It may take up to 48 hours to be whitelisted to your new rank on Altis Life. Junior Academy - DreadScythe
  17. DreadScythe

    "The Easter Bunny ate all of the carrots we left for him. What a pig."
  18. DreadScythe

    // ACCEPTED @Ashes Welcome to the APD! As a Probationary Constable you will be placed on a 1 week probation period in which you must use your taser rifle. Any breach of protocols will result in a removal from the APD. [05/04/2019] It may take up to 48 hours to be whitelisted to your new rank on Altis Life. Junior Academy - DreadScythe
  19. DreadScythe

    // ACCEPTED @Goatlicious Welcome to the APD! As a Probationary Constable you will be placed on a 1 week probation period in which you must use your taser rifle. Any breach of protocols will result in a removal from the APD. [28/03/2019] It may take up to 48 hours to be whitelisted to your new rank on Altis Life. Junior Officer - DreadScythe
  20. DreadScythe

    seems lit
  21. DreadScythe

    Name: DreadScythe Callsign: [K14W] Training Completed By: Daniel Wallace List all Pub Slot Inductions you have done: John117 Jordon KFA Jackson Crossley JUSTIN Jake U r Gay JJ_ROOOD inamenan Why do you deserve a promotion? (50 Words min) I believe that I deserve a promotion as I've been a senior constable for around 6 weeks now and in that time I have always been active as strayagaming is the only server I play and I mostly play cop. During this time I have never been afraid to take CO even I thought a lot of people wouldn't listen to me. I have improved dramatically not just as a CO but as a cop as my time taking CO has opened my eyes to a greater understanding of the APD. For example, I am a lot more confident when i give orders. As well as this now that I was able to give referrals it reminded me of how far I've come in the APD and how far I can go. I have always tried to get someone's induction done and on top of that always tried to do it to the highest possible level. In my opinion, I am a dedicated member of the APD and could do a lot better as a cop with a higher responsibility/workload. Who would recommend you for a promotion? @Dando @JagzZ (Holski) @Michael Phelps @Totenkopf (Kenno) @Phatballz @Bill Props
  22. DreadScythe

    i was once in a situation where i was escorting someone and i was suddenly engaged. Because of this if i had unrestrained him it would have led to my death. it think this is a must have +1
  23. DreadScythe

    i see what you're saying but the real problem for something like this is 1. how civs/rebals would get these. ie would they be able to buy them from contractor/cartel or would they have to craft them with the upcoming crafting update and 2. what cop ranks/divisions would have access to these suppressors? other than that im all for it
  24. DreadScythe

    As of the time of writing this I've been a Senior Constable now for around 2 to 3 weeks and am writing this because I believe that there are some flaws to how the APD does things regarding Senior Constables. first of all and probably my biggest point would be induction trainings. We (being Senior Constables) are taught how to do induction trainings and how to do them a certain way and don't get me wrong I think the APD has got a pretty good system when it comes to induction trainings but could be better. Just looking now the last time someone was inducted by someone other than a Senior Constable was the 31st, and ill come back to this later. Now here's my problem, the way you have to do them. If you see someone in the police lobby, first of all, you have to ask a sergeant to move him into Sydney LAC and then if he needs his induction done move him to the training room. Then once the induction is done you have to ask him yet again to add recruit tags and then maybe drag him back up. So in this process, you have to rely on a sergeant at least twice and maybe even 4 times. My idea is that if Senior Constables had the ability to drag people who are new to the ts or apply recruit tags the system would improve a lot as its literally impossible to 100% finish an induction with tags and everything if a sergeant or higher isn't on. I know my idea isn't foolproof but I think the fundamental idea is there and I do truly believe that something like this could improve the APD. Let me know your feedback and what you would think if something like this went through.
  25. DreadScythe

    We need to land this missile in the ocean