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Posts posted by Midnight

  1. 1 hour ago, Mr Chu said:

    At the moment, we are trying to aim for every 2-3 maps as Fallujah also taking into account ensuring everyone gets a chance to play MEA.

    So for instance, if we have fallujah with MEA as team 2, the next map might be one of the new layers that has MEA as team 2 again meaning both sides / teams rotate and get to play MEA once every 2 maps. 

    Then we will run a fallujah again or another potentially another existing map / layer to ensure diversity in the rotation and giving everyone a taste of squad in general!

    How often will we have 100 player games? Servers set for 100 players so every day providing we get a seed, we should hit 100 easily enough. Last night showed there was at least 800-900 players in oceania across all the servers and queues!

    Thats perfect. Pretty much exactly what i wanted. Thanks for the info! 😄


  2. Heyo! i want to address the release of squad and future of strayagaming with this, 

     how often will we be using the new maps? 
    how often will we have 100 player games?
    how often will we be using the new nation? (middle eastern alliance)

    i wanted to ask this because i speak for quite a few players when i say we want more of the new stuff
