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Posts posted by Kilcarnup

  1. Good morning!
    I've dabbled back in the day with Arma 2 but not a lot and the closest to proper time in a squad based game has been battlefield back from BF1 days..

    My username is Schnitzel in game i'm a late 30's west aussie bloke.

    I understand Arma series is a completely different beast to BF but I'm loving learning new thing and the seriousness of it all and looking to learn how to play it properly without having to join servers with high pings.. hence I found you folks.

    I&A seems more what I am after but also like the role playing ideas of Altis Life.. learning curve seems steep but rewarding for either so hopefully I get a chance to jump into your servers for a bit longer than a few minutes and tag along with some more knowledgeable people to get into the swing of things.

    I did get on briefly last night onto the I&A and hitch a ride on a little bird until it clipped a pylon and we all went down in a blaze of glory... until then though I have the say the pilot was doing some bonkers flying.. hats off to you.

    Unsure on the role I'll be aiming for as grunt seems to be a good starting point but do wonder if there are active arty/mortar crews or Combat Engineers.

    Thanks for letting me join up and look forward to seeing you on the servers soon

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