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Posts posted by AussieStain

  1. 10 hours ago, Skittlezaus said:

    Hey, I'm SkittlezAus, I'm fairly new to Arma 3 as I only got it last Friday, I've been playing it all week and having fun with a few mates, I'm slowly getting the way of the game and I'm looking forward to becoming more fond to the server/s.

    A little about me 

    I'm a 14 year old no life that tends to waste majority of his time playing games, I've recently got the game Arma 3 and enjoying the hell out of it, I'm an moderator for another community that is based on GMOD, I'm probably going to end up resigning there and going Arma full time ;) I tend to be on the TS3 server chilling with other people, sometimes mates. I also work so uh.. I'm probably going to throw all my money at this server... 




    Welcome to the community Skit/Skittles I hope to see you around on the server dude!

  2. A lot of people are saying they have similar specs and are using the same settings and getting extremely bad fps and the only resolution I can currently find is to close all background programs and to change you sampling and clouds

  3. 1 minute ago, InfamousNova said:

    you really dont need 2000 object distance unless you are a really good sniper or you are flying an armed aircraft. otherwise its just taking up performance

    I have tested my object distance and any lower there is no fps change for me

  4. 6 hours ago, Frank Lucas said:

    Your settings are fairly basic and seem to be normal settings, i have almost the same set up as you and i cant run the settings you have at all, when playing altis life i have everything fairly low expect view distance and things that affect the game dramatically, Yet i still get really bad stuttering, and a contant times where the frames go from solid 60 to stuttering from 0 - 20 without even moving a inch or anything happening in the view, then randomly the frames go back to 60.


    Arma 3 is so bad when it comes to optimisation, really surprised they haven't made major jumps to fix it.


    I also get issues when i shoot or zoom in, i get freezing and frame drops for the first couple shots.


    When i spawn into Altis Life i get 20 frames for about 5 minutes before getting kicked from the server, this normally happens 2 or 3 times before i spawn in and get 60 frames and i dont get kicked, its annoying. 


    Of course going into any city/town big or small i get frame drops and lag, meaning fighting inside a city puts me into a very handy capped situation where i can only shoot from a distance at slow/still targets, Neri and Westpac are almost impossible to complete without my game freezing or stuttering at 0 - 20 frames for at least 5 minutes. 


    I recommend changing a lot from that list:



    Sampling 100%

    Cloud Minimal/Off (Useless and it gives you a little bit of frame boost (1 or 2)

    PIP lowest or standard

    Shadows is really up to you, if you care about performance over looks go for 100 or lower, to me shadows have little impact when it comes to a normal shootout.

    Dynamic Lights, Again same as Shadows, the lower the better framerate wise.

    Water reflection, its really the same as the 2 above, looks nice but doesn't help frames, and helps nothing when it comes to fighting.


    Vsync doesn't hurt, not a big issue tho.

    AA & PP:

    Bloom off, affects too much and only makes the game look good yet gets annoying as hell after a while, and doesn't help the frames AT ALL.

    Radial Blur, again off, doesn't help when it comes to, anything.

    Rotational Blur, same as above, annoying and helps nothing.

    the Antialising i dont know enough about to make a educated choice so find that out from someone else.


    A lot of what i said is for performance on a low grade PC (960's or lower) that runs the game like crap.

    A lot of these settings are nice as I have just tested but just are not the settings for me as I like to record extremely smooth and high quality videos by using a little bit of bloom and blur with high sampling as you do not need these you can turn them off and may help your frame rate

  5. Just now, GonSupreme said:

    A couple of recommended adjustments 

    - Turn sampling down to 100%

    - Turn PIP down to Standard 

    - Turn Terrain up to Very High

    - Turn Shadows down to 100

    Not my settings but will most likely make an in depth guide in the future. 

    Also what specs are you running?

    My specs are pretty bad but not the worst of the worst but the CPU is an i5 4590k, 16GB Ram, MSI 960 4GB. Btw I will be sure to test these settings out tomorrow and let you know if I get a better outcome or not. But as of the sampling it hasnt effected my fps as it feels im now getting better fps as I was told by an dak commstar a lot of invaid and annex members have it at 125% and get better fps as it changes from gpu to cpu in some order (be sure to correct me if otherwise).

    • Like 1

  6. 18 minutes ago, Blue Eagle [+1 CREW] said:

    Is this config any good for 110 slot KoTH Servers?

    I am unsure as I do not know your computer specifications but I have tested it on KOTH with 64 people on and it the outcome was around 30-50 fps for me. But I recommend you test it out as you may need to adjust some of my settings like sampling and other settings of such.

  7. Now to start off with this thread I didn't know where to put it but I have spent a while configuring my settings as I have a half decent computer that can run a solid 50 fps with the old settings I use and now have switched to these settings as they are higher and I still get good fps but a fair bit higher. A lot of people have come to staff asking for assistance with their fps and I thought this could help the staff out by asking you guys to post your settings in the comments if they work best for you so new comers can experiment with their settings to find their personal best settings but as for now here are my settings: 

    General: https://gyazo.com/015d7eb7823053dba195bf90698c4ab4

    Display: https://gyazo.com/4cf074eb4f49fbc5cb586969108d78c0

    AA & PP: https://gyazo.com/960bd24facaad6dbc5e6a2126fb78b35

    I hope this helps you guys out and once again if you guys have good settings that work better for you be sure to post them because they may help other people with their settings.

    I will also be sure to keep you guys updated on my personal settings as they are in beta testing for me.
