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Posts posted by SpiderDeX

  1. It saddens me deeply to see two of the people I have made memories with over the course of the 3 or so years I've played on SG leave. The both of you put so much time and effort into creating, fixing and improving all of the SG servers that I am sure all players, both old and new, will miss you. 

  2. 1. My favourite anime overall would absolutely have to be Tokyo Ghoul. Some other anime I have enjoyed would be;

    Good Emotional: Anohana (Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai)

    Good Story: Spice and Wolf, Fate Series

    Good Horror: Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni + Kai

    Good "Plot": Highschool DxD Series
    2. My favourite manga is Deadman Wonderland (before they made what would have to be one of the worst anime's I've ever seen). My favourite light novel would have to be No Game No Life.
    3. I've watched way to many anime to list on here. But I have a list HERE.
    4. I suggest you go and watch (as far as a show some people might not have seen) Spice and Wolf or No Game No Life.
    5. Best girl would probably have to be Holo cause who doesn't like gods with ears and a tail.
    6. I have seen MeMeMe and was incredibly disturbed.

    Thought I may as well fill out this so Mr Mad Blood knows he isn't alone.

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  3. 9 minutes ago, sirgeneralj said:

    Would be ashame if anyone busted in on the party ;) 

    Watch your backs boys

    Sounds like fun, will be good to see who comes out ontop....


    We're aiming to get the area sectioned off for the duration of the fight

    Adding Burch as a reserve member

  4. Gang being declared on

    Ring Leader: Lucifer
    Leader(s): Pavlov, K9, Aquilares, Cables
    Warlord: Nugget

     Good Guy Duke, SpiderDeX, GarlicBread, Dutton.

    Reserves: Jadstar, Salad, Epic

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  5. CPU: Intel i7-4700MQ Quad Core @ 2.40ghz
    RAM: 8GB (Don't know brand)
    Cooling System: Worlds loudest and most useless fan (Don't know brand)
    Case: HP Aluminium Laptop
    Storage: 1TB Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (Owned by Western Digital) HDD
    Keyboard: HP Backlit Keyboard
    Mouse: Razer Mamba
    Monitor: HP 15.6" Touchscreen
    OS: Windows 8
    Headset/Speakers/Mic: Razer Kraken 7.1
    Extras: XTRFY NIP Lightning Mousepad X-Large + Rock Candy Xbox 360 Controller - Green
    Performance: Arma Multiplayer Low=20-30 FPS (Laptop. Nuff said)

    • Like 1

  6. Become a medic and ALL YOUR PROBLEMS WILL BE SOLVED!!!


    In all seriousness I agree with Marc you can't expect everyone to want to play cop 24/7 but those who do should be rewarded for it. I also agree that it is unfair for tho who know the high police tactics to use this knowledge to their advantage but there is not really much that can be done about it. One possible thing would be for SRT members to only be allowed to rob the bank so many times a night but enforcing the rule would be difficult and probably not worth it. The only other way around this would be more, and a wider range of police tactics to deal with different situations.

  7. Today is the 3rd and looking at the poll it appears we will be keeping Combat Medics but they will only be allowed to revive in gunfights. Pav, nugget and I will start enforcing this rule once someone confirms this is the result.

  8. Was bored whilst playing civ and decided to RP as a journalist following the police around. I decided to take actual notes as to what was happening so I'm gonna post them in here. Hoping to continue this was lots of fun.


    SpiderDeX the journalists notepad

    2 Officers agreed to allow me to follow them
    Went to Cop HQ it is very large
    Officers enjoy crashing into walls it is their hobby
    Saw 2 Officers killed in line of duty
    Cop car stolen
    Questioned regarding cop murder
    Police Raided weed proccessing
    Questioned man seen fleeing scene
    Aprehended the man responsible for muders
    Was called to verify was the correct man
    Picked up handgun off the ground for protection
    Was questioned regarding why I was in the cop HQ whilst leaving
    Saw cops escorting man who had escaped
    Later saw same man running away from HQ (Escaped again?)
    Man operated boomgate x3 he ran away from pursuing officers
    Assisted police in locating the man
    Injured falling from ledge
    Saw man running away from cops
    Assisted in locating him
    turned out to be boomgate man
    Gunfire from town square
    Boom-gate man found me and sounds annoyed I ratted him to the police
    He's aiming a gun at me going to try and defend myself with the handgun. wishing myself best of luck
    --End writing-- Noticeable bloodstains suggest writer was killed


    Brought new clothes from the market today!!
    Questioned about police for suspicsion of carrying firearm
    After searching me police agreed to let me follow them around for the day :D
    Some police drive really dangerously
    Patrolled Kavala then drove out to the checkpoint and back, nothing of note happened :P
    Went to Police HQ lots of talking going on
    Officers left their vehicle and have not come back. It has been about 5m
    They left the engine running. I turned it off for them
    About 10m later and they still haven't returned
    The officers returned and said I could go
    I'll go home, rest and continue tomorrow.

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  9. I completely understand what your trying to say but what I'm trying to pull across is that this is the Third Generation of Straya Gaming Altis Life this should of been worked out and planned better than the first and second generation of Straya Gaming Altis life... I really hope you take some advice from the community and really start making a change.

    I don't think the first generation of Strayagaming Altis Life was that bad. It's what got me to join this community. Sure the rankings of the cops were pretty simple but the higher ranking cops were ALWAYS on and willing to help that poor pub who was having problems handing out tickets. The thing that made Gen1 so much better then Gen2 was the RP of not only the cop force but also of the civilians (Can't speak for Gen3). I remember on Gen1 as a pub slot being in a group of 4-5 other pubs RPing a civilian with a hig caliber rifle and making him surrender willingly. Whereas in Gen2 it was always a matter of who had the bigger gun cause civilians (Particularly the terrorists (I still think that was a horrible addition)) would refuse to RP and would simply shoot you :'(.

    Pretty much what I'm trying to say is that the cop force doesn't have to be perfect as long as both the cops and civilians are able to role play a situation, considering not only who has the bigger gun or who can shoot better but who (With some realism) really has the upper hand and RPing the situation


    Note: I have no clue if this helps the situation at all as I have yet to play on the new server but this is just my opinion as a player from Old Straya.

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  10. One overpowered tactic I frequently come across is tanks and sometimes even helicopters towing offroad repairs. They only cost 1.5k and unlike the ammo trucks are able to be towed for almost invincible tanks. Either raising the price slightly or possibly making it to where such vehicles can't be towed could help to solve this issue. Possibly :P

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  11. Maybe make it to where they are an item that takes up space in the inventory and (like launchers) they would get removed when any role but the "builder" equipped it? By making them large in size this removes the problem of sandbag forts and possibly making them disappear if not packed up after say 10m? This all depends on whether it can be implemented (I don't know much of the limitations of Arma coding :P)

  12. Maybe make it so the CSAT can teleport to the area of the HQ while the AI hold it. And once they lose the HQ they must drive/fly there? That should give CSAT the objective to hold the HQ to ensure they can quickly return to the AO. Just something I thought of whilst reading the posts here.

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