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Everything posted by Connor.

  1. Connor.

    main problem is there is currently no link between the website and our game databases. there are ways to do it but we would need to look into all that before committing to anything.
  2. Connor.

    Cant skin helmets, ill consider a tier 2 but mission file size is the biggest concern.
  3. Connor.

    Altis Life v6.8 Patch #2 Added: Private gang skins Use item option for pickaxes in mining zones Modified: Required rank for a couple of placeables on cop Fixed: Wanted list auto-add codes to line up with the new list Losing a mag when hit by knockdown rounds Hospital wall falling over Unflip action not taking altitude into account Jail enter/exit action for cops Bad texture paths Exploits Report all bugs via discord. If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team. Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!
  4. Connor.

    well sure but that doesnt resolve the issue which brought up the suggestion in the first place.
  5. Connor.

    thats still giving them some kind of advantage...
  6. Connor.

    I think it would be against. Can't give any kind of in game advantage to only paying players.
  7. Connor.

    Can't consider giveaways when we dont even cover the dedicated servers
  8. Connor.

    You can't really compare us to slot based prices because we don't host on slot based shared hosting. We rent dedicated servers which is more expensive but means our servers don't become laggy and unplayable from processes and servers on the shared machine that we have no control over. This post is a bit old but it lists the main expenses
  9. Connor.

    Altis Life v6.8 Patch #1 Added: Cells at checkpoint 1 can only be opened/closed by cops Modified: Reverted cop uniform change for rank 0-1 Moved Jail Fixed: Vehicle damage handler Block jumping in jail Jail spawn positions Bad vehicle spawn issue Some jail wall glitches Report all bugs via discord. If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team. Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!
  10. Connor.

    it hangs around for minimum of an hour and a half but can last for an extra half an hour
  11. Connor.

    manual payments
  12. Connor.

    You make the skins how you want them. I can provide default textures to skin over if you need. If it is an issue where you dont know how to do textures we may work something out but free time isnt in good supply so we will see what happens.
  13. Connor.

    one uniform, one backpack and two vehicles. like noordo said, cant skin vests without mods.
  14. Connor.

    yes custom gang skins. there will be a page up soon with the details. We will see how it goes but for the start itl be a month at a time only. Reason being we dont want to get stuck with skins from a gang who doesnt play. its a waste of space and stops a gang who does play from having their own skins. Gangs who already have skins in the server will have priority for getting another month over new gangs.
  15. Connor.

    On the forums and TS you keep whatever you have and build on it like normal. the only change is in game with tiers expiring.
  16. Connor.

    a couple of months id say. its usually 2 to 4 weeks after they put up the RC branch so keep an eye out for that and then u know its close.
  17. Connor.

    Actually you were being kicked by one of our triggers to protect against foreign hackers. I've added you as an exception.
  18. Connor.

    Personally I hate everything about structures on water. They make no sense and are really out of place but if we had to have the jail on water this would be my favorite so far.
  19. Connor.

    yea i did see, i saw they removed it because what they tried had the "global asset" issues that stop me from doing the same.
  20. Connor.

    Not right now, i want to be adding JSRS soon. I can't just add the server key and let players on now because the anticheat required a partial rework for allowing optional addons, but that has been developed and tested in CTF so it wont be so hard to port over
  21. Connor.

    coming soon™
  22. Connor.

    i had to put it on hold over summer cause the heat was giving me really bad migraines (along with other boring health stuff) and I feared I would start making huge mistakes so it was safer to stop for a bit. I hope to be coming back to it soon but in the meantime I've been working on some other projects which will come in handy for strayalife.
  23. Connor.

    Hi all, I would like to discuss with you our next step for the Life mission. Here we will explain what decisions have been made and why. Firstly, our current life mission is unstable, which is evident by the daily mass kicks and crashes. As I have previously stated, we are not the only server experiencing these issues. Bohemia Interactive has acknowledged this issue and is working with BattlEye on a solution. However, there are still many servers that don’t experience these issues which shows we can fix the problem ourselves, it's just that currently no one knows what the cause is. We have spent most of this year so far trying to clean up and improve systems in the mission but the instability persists, and with other servers experiencing these problems as far back as July last year, we won’t be waiting on BI for a patch. We have a couple of remaining options: Start again: This would involve going back to base Altis Life and slowly adding our features until we are back to our current state, but hopefully without crashes. The problem is we did this at the end of last year, so chances are we would end up right back where we are now. Write our own mission: When I say this I don't mean take base Altis Life and rewrite some things, I mean write our own mission from scratch. It sounds like a time consuming task… and it is, but this will ensure we know everything that is going on in our mission. It will give us the opportunity to have our mission the way we want it, not confined by the limits of the Altis Life framework. After considering these options, we have decided to go with option two. The new mission will be named ‘StrayaLife RPG’. Development on StrayaLife actually started back in January, but as a side project, something for spare time. As the months went on we put more and more work into the Altis Life mission with little to no success on fixing the instability, so at the start of August we froze all future feature development to instead focus our efforts on StrayaLife as it has become a worthwhile endeavour. We have a few main goals for StrayaLife: Stability: This is obviously our first priority. Feature-rich StrayaLife will not launch as an empty/broken mission. We will release with many new features so that StrayaLife is an upgrade from Altis Life, not a replacement. Civilian Purpose: One of the biggest issues with Altis Life is that civilians have no true purpose. We intend on giving civilians the opportunity to choose their own purpose, something to achieve or strive for rather than just playing to get rich with nothing to spend that money on. Replay value: This ties in with the above point. Currently once you get rich you have no reason to play, there is nothing to do after that because you have achieved the only thing there is to achieve. With some of the planned new features we hope to provide some kind of replay value. We will expand on this point more down the line, once we can better illustrate these plans. With all of the above in mind there are a few important things to note: Altis Life: The Altis Life staff team has taken over the ‘development’ of the Altis Life mission, in the sense that they can adjust: shop prices, content, conditions (required online players for example) etc. We do have an update coming with Laws of War which includes the new Ambulance, among other additions like police and civilian Van variants, as well as some changes done by the staff team. StrayaLife: StrayaLife is a long way off, so don’t let this post stop you from playing Altis Life. We are still in the stage of adding key systems, which will be followed by adding smaller features to get us up to the same level as the current Altis Life mission. After that we will be adding various new features before we open the mission up for alpha/beta testing. There is no set release date yet, it is too soon for that. We will provide updates and release screenshots as we progress. Thanks for reading.
  24. Connor.

    Altis is the only map to successfully keep players engaged for more than a few months. Tanoa and malden servers die out pretty quickly
  25. Connor.

    ^ u can get them from the rock mine too