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Everything posted by Connor.

  1. Connor.

    Going to bunch this report together with the other one
  2. Connor.

    Changed Status to Resolved
  3. Connor.

    The only real concern i have with it is either making the deposit too expensive that no one wants to do them or so cheap that its an easy kamikaze vehicle.
  4. Connor.

    Send me your game log file. Also, duplicate of:
  5. Connor.

    This is not where you ask for compensation. https://strayagaming.com.au/support/ I can't replicate the bug without instructions but it sounds like your game simply bugged out. Getting into/out of vehicles is base came function so I can't alter it.
  6. Connor.

    I couldn't replicate it with the severe impact you have described but I have optimized what I could.
  7. Just want to stick this player count here: It's not to say the server can't be drastically improved, but shit server and exams have a similar effect on the player count.
  8. I do agree sydney should come back but you can't blame the server "dying" on that. I've been working on arma servers since 2015 and every year around this time servers die down as students dedicate more time towards their end of year exams. No need to be dramatic about it.
  9. Connor.

    i was unable to replicate this. Could you explain the reproduction steps in more detail?
  10. Connor.

    I've done some testing with no luck in replicating the issue. Next time it happens please let me know asap so I can track down logs.
  11. Connor.

    Related reports
  12. Connor.

  13. Connor.

  14. Connor.

    Not broken, there just isn't any reward for it. Don't really think there could be anyway. You catch what you're looking at, no prof is going to help improve your aim.
  15. can i get a recording of this from start to finish?
  16. Connor.

    Attaching this to another ticket
  17. Connor.

    Related ticket
  18. Connor.

    As in just opening the GPS UI?
  19. Connor.

    Technically not possible, need some images or something to prove it is coming from the drones
  20. should be one scroll action for each but you can only see the one for ur side. not technically combined just on the same spot
  21. Connor.

    Thats not a bug... thats you standing on a steep slope.
  22. Connor.

    I am like 3/5 of the way through making a solution, its just a big one so ya know... takes a little while.
  23. Connor.

    Altis Life v7.2 This update is released alongside an economy wipe and map redesign. You can read about that here. We were pressed for time leading up to this wipe so there is a good chance you will find bugs in the shops or design oversights in the new map layout. Please report ALL ISSUES on the bug tracker so we can resolve them as quickly as possible. Added: New and improved markers script for showing players on the map/gps https://strayagaming.com.au/altis-life-bug-tracker/public-reports/gangpolice-player-markersdots-showing-on-gps-r65/ Magazine Repack Ctrl + R while looking in your inventory https://strayagaming.com.au/altis-life-bug-tracker/public-reports/ammo-repack-r69/ Parachute Virtual Item https://strayagaming.com.au/altis-life-bug-tracker/public-reports/parachutes-r71 Modified: Discord Rich Presence now displays total player count Upgraded fuel capacity on the prop plane https://strayagaming.com.au/altis-life-bug-tracker/public-reports/blackfish-and-prop-plane-upgrades-r76/ Upgraded fuel capacity and storage capacity on blackfish https://strayagaming.com.au/altis-life-bug-tracker/public-reports/blackfish-and-prop-plane-upgrades-r76/ Fixed: Speed radar glitch allowing players to see it while on foot Interact menu and restain action still worked while restrained https://strayagaming.com.au/altis-life-bug-tracker/public-reports/using-actions-while-restrained-r70/ Ifrit no longer requires a drivers license to be purchased from rebel/cartel Report all bugs on our bug tracker. If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team. Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!