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Posts posted by Connor.

  1. just read the suggestions, they are pretty good. especially the idea of a day one item or achievement or something big to show u were there before it began.

    ppl have been going on about wipes for a month or two now, dont know why. Don't need to worry about this one either, not for a long time. Talking about it now will do no good cause there is no server to be wiped on :lul:

  2. itl be wiped when strayalife is released, thatl be some time next year dont know when exactly. Wipes are annoying but itl be worth it. We did a kind-of wipe about a year back with the mission being redone but i think ppl could get their cash transferred so it doesnt really count. Once im finished strayalife itl be well overdue for a wipe.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Seal said:

    ...Tbh you can't just assume that rebels are the problem with role play. On numerous occasions rebels have negotiated, and proceeded to leave just to be backstabbed by the cops at the last second...

    Yea, I only ever hear people complaining about the things rebels do, never hear about the good stuff, so that's where my comment came from. As said in the first post I don't know how these things play out so thanks for sharing your side, is what this thread is about :thumbsup:

  4. 12 minutes ago, nclem said:

    ... this naturally gives way to negotiations, if cops can stand outside and yell at the robbers inside, they can negotiate before breaching - as it is now, if you even think about going up to the front you will be shot ...

    Id love to have it this way, not sure the robbers would be so fond of it :anguished:

    • <3 1
    • Sad 1

  5. Most people want to see the banks changed so I figured I'd start by doing westpac, unfortunately I dont actually know how bank plays out right now so I need some pointers. It would be very helpful for me designing the layout for this bank to know what you guys want to see in one, so if you could answer the questions below and add any extra info you like would be great. If a question doesn't apply to the faction you play, just skip it. I know some of these questions have been kind of answered in other threads but for me it would be easiest if answers were for these questions specifically because it's the info I need most.

    Along with answering the questions if you have time and can make a decent setup in the 3den editor, put together your perfect bank and send me the .sqm file with some of the selling points for why your bank is so good. I'll be paying attention to things like location, elevated vantage points (both near and far from the bank), balanced layout (for cops and civs, or if it favours a side tell me why), and all the other important stuff so I can have a better understanding of what you guys want. Personally I'd like to keep westpac in the marked zone or down near zaros so if you can manage that would be great.




    1. What side are you usually on when attending a bank robbery?
        a. Civ
        b. Cop
        c. I play both sides

    2. Why do you rob bank?
        a. For the roleplay
        b. For the cash
        c. For the frags


    3. What roles do you usually play when at bank? (explain what should be easier or harder to do with the roles you play)
        a. The guy robbing it
        b. Inside the bank defending the robber
        c. Assaulting the cops outside
        d. Spotter/Marksman
        e. Other role (reply with details)
        f. Cop


    4. Who should the bank favour?
        a. Civs (defence)
        b. Cops (offence)
        c. Equal opportunity


    5. What style of bank and surrounding buildings do you prefer?
        a. Bank should be high-set surrounded by low-set buildings (how it is now)
        b. Bank should be low-set surrounded by high-set buildings (reverse of how it is now, like this image if the bunker was the bank building)
        c. All buildings should be low-set
        d. All buildings should be high-set
        e. I don't agree with any of the above options (describe your preference)

  6. I'm not disputing the fact that it improved your FPS, I'm just making sure we understand that you can't remove objects that are part of the map, you can only hide them which is what the module does. Given ur FPS boost I assume it disables all simulation on the hidden objects which is pretty cool and a huge deal in the case of trees and bushes (cause they sway in the wind which I assume takes a bit of effort).

    • Wesmart 2

  7. Assuming things have changed over time isn't unreasonable imo, but finding out that it hasn't changed would only be worth complaining about if no one was enjoying the current state of the server which based on the growing nightly peak population, isn't the case.

    You get RDM no matter what server you go on, we can't prevent RDM because them trolls be rampant so it needs to be reported for punishment after it occurs. Also I am yet to see a server where no one has ever made a single complaint about the cop force, so while valid they are really some unavoidable complaints.

    • Like 2

  8. The back end is very different and far more stable now than it was 8 months ago (as evident by the player count and lack of crashes), the problem we had with change you may have expected is that apparently everyone is allergic to change and even the slightest changes cause a severe :babyrage: reaction.


    Some of the :babyrage: reactions were fair enough, but even the not so fair :babyrage: reactions has left us how we have been for a long while.

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    • lul 2
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  9. KOTH uses some other hand animations that we dont, they are more combat orientated tho.


    StrayaLife will be an unmodded server, simple as that. Fact is the servers who have the most players are mostly a mix of unmodded KOTH and Life servers. If StrayaLife is a huge success and there is overwhelming demand for a modded server then yea we will definitely give it a go, but to start with unmodded (with the optional mod) is our focus. 

    • Like 1

  10. Altis Life v6.5.1864

    Release Date: 12/11/2017

    Size: 20,419KB


    • Download the update before it goes live here!
    • Have a question about this update? Ask it on discord.
    • Items marked with * have a related segment under "Details"
    • Bug fix patch released at 3pm 12/11/2017
    • Bug fix patch released at 3am 13/11/2017


    Change Log:

    • Added: 20 more civ slots (100 total)
    • Added: Map to the police shops
    • Added: Boat shop & garage to brisbane PD
    • Added: Boat shop & garage to gang base 2
    • Added: Dynamic simulation for simulated objects (trial)
    • Modified: Renamed "Kavala Port" to "Sydney Port"
    • Modified: Moved Cartel 1 air spawn
    • Modified: Moved Cartel 2 air spawn
    • Modified: Minor adjustments to admin tools
    • Modified: Anticheat update*



    Anticheat update:

    Our anticheat is set up to detect deprecated addons on a players game, specifically addons that used to contain game files but are now empty with just the addon info. BI leaves the these .pbo files in your game install but removes them from the steam branch so they are no longer available for download (which is how we know they are deprecated). Up until now we have kicked to the lobby for using these files as the list we had was small, but we have come across some more recent addons that are now deprecated so some changes have been made. We no longer kick for deprecated addons, instead you will get a pop up when you load in saying which addons are deprecated and what files you can remove. This detection may be removed depending on the amount of spam we get on our end from it, so we will watch it over the next day or two and decide from there.


    Report all bugs via discord.

    If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team.

    Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!

    • kkool 1

  11. 14 minutes ago, The Hopelessgamer said:

    Now i must apologize for the caffufal i have caused. This was meant to be a rather small thread not a huge thread. I never meant anything bad towards any of the staff members.  Just i have a different opinion and idea of how things should work.

    Yea... not the first time you have come out on the offensive against someone and continued to argue your point until bedtime when you say sorry and then run off for the night, so your appoligies are empty. 


    Ive locked the post because the general message of “plz fix the server” is fine and well but the layers and layers of retardation is just childish. 

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    • Haha 1