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Posts posted by Connor.

  1. 16 minutes ago, Slep. said:

    You can optimise the scripting language so it is more streamlined and more efficient and fast (c++ or c#), balance out the cpu usage, gpu usage and memory usage, improve graphics (DX12) and physics. You could add terrain destruction or whatever you want. Also the sense of accomplishment of making a functioning game.

    Sounds like things they are already doing for new BI games? new scripting language that is very similar to C++, no dependencies (PhysX for example) so they arent restricted in that regard, and its an engine designed for new pcs, not pcs from the year 2000. I feel like the accomplishment would come from loads of people playing it for a long time, like PUBG. Would be a huge let down to spend all that time on a game for no one to play it (No mans sky is a good example of that).

    • Like 1
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    • Haha 1

  2. Altis Life v6.5.1852

    Release Date: 15/10/2017

    Size: 20,411KB


    • Download the update before it goes live here!
    • Have a question about this update? Ask it on discord.


    Change Log:

    • Added: 5 command team cop slots
    • Modified: Fixed escorting
    • Modified: Re-enabled zeus
    • Modified: Server restart times (3am, 3pm)
    • Removed: Logs used for search of server crash cause



    Report all bugs via discord.

    If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team.

    Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!

    • Like 2
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  3. 36 minutes ago, Slep. said:

    What performance gains would Altis Life have if it were its own standalone game (much like DayZ)?

    Probs a decent gain cause it would be in a language that can way faster than SQF.


    36 minutes ago, Slep. said:

    What game engine would you use to create the game? (For avid developers)

    unreal engine seems pretty good (which is what identity is being made on).


    36 minutes ago, Slep. said:

    How do you think the community would react to it? (For everyone)

    Not as well as if it were on Arma 4, simply because Arma already has a reputation and a playerbase.

    • Like 1

  4. Altis Life v6.5.1849

    Release Date: 13/10/2017

    Size: 20,414KB


    • Download the update before it goes live here!
    • Have a question about this update? Ask it on discord.


    Change Log:

    • Modified: Further optimization to data syncs
    • Modified: Fixed escorting bug (hopefully) Escorting bug will be fixed next update.



    Server Crashes:

    We fixed them! Last update we patched a horrendous bug that had slipped under the radar for far too long, finally resolving our server crash problems. We have since been tinkering with the network settings to get them back to a respectable state, which has caused some lag during peak time. This update should help ease some of the backlog as we close in on the sweet spot for the network settings, at which point we will leave it be so you all can enjoy the game.


    Report all bugs via discord.

    If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team.

    Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!

    • Like 2
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  5. 2 minutes ago, Granteus said:

    Excellent to hear, does this weather script include more than just rain, thunder storms for example or just rain for now? I guess I need to donate $10 :P 

    Is does clear, rain and storm presets. clear has the highest odds of occurring but it should rain at least once per restart. keep in mind its added AS A TEST, we will see how people go tonight and decide what happens after that.

    • Like 1

  6. I just ran a test with full rain and thunder on the server with a few people online, none of us had issues but we all had 60~100 frames so it doesnt really show the effects on a low end pc. We experienced no frame drops with rain. Frames were worse at night time but it was just as bad with rain off at night so it was clearly a night time issue.


    Here is what I'll do: I am writing up a weather script right now and it'll be in the server for tonight. Rain has been disabled for a long time, perhaps BI have improved the performance with rain during that time. We will see what effect rain has on low end pcs and if its too severe we will keep rain out, and if there is little to no effect we will keep rain in. Easiest way to settle this fairly.


    EDIT: The script will be in from next restart.

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  7. 6 hours ago, LAZYSHOT said:

    ..won't really know until we try it?

    I know without trying. Both wasteland and I&A don't use all the system resources available. They dont even use half each, so giving one server more resources to not use simply doesnt help anyone. Wastelands issues are purely thanks to heavy AI load and possibly some outdated scripts.

    • Like 3

  8. 6 hours ago, Granteus said:

    @Connor. Explain to me why Darkside can have rain/thunder without having bad fps but Straya can't?

    well you wouldnt notice the fps impact anyway cause ur running 100+ fps. Thats not the point though. The point is rain has always be notoriously bad for low end systems and so it was turned off to help those people out. I will see what I can do because I do like the rain effects in arma but at the end if the day i have to think about how it will impact the low end systems over what would look cool for the high end ones.

  9. Altis Life v6.5.1842

    Release Date: 08/10/2017

    Size: 20,413KB


    • Download the update before it goes live here!
    • Have a question about this update? Ask it on discord.


    Change Log:

    • Modified: Patched excessive network spam resulting in server freeze. (This may not be the only cause of the server freezing, but it seems to be the most frequent)


    Report all bugs via discord.

    If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team.

    Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!

    • Like 1
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    • kkool 1

  10. On the release of 1.76 BI confirmed that fixing server instability on high pop servers (mass kicks & freezes) was one of their next targets, and that they were aiming to fix them in a post-1.76 security update.

    Yesterday they announced a 1.76 hotfix will be released within the next week or so (depending on how tests go), but unfortunately it does include the fix we need.

    When asked if the hotfix would include a fix for the instability, they said:

    And Also:


    From the sounds of things, BI is looking into the receiving data phase when loading into a server as the cause of the problem, something which we simply can't play with ourselves.

    Hopefully they will share some more details in their next SPOTREP.


    In the meantime we have released an update today to help avoid data query timeouts during peak time, along with some small additions. Unfortunately the changes do require a mission download which will cause increased server instability for the next day or two while players download the new mission, but it should relieve the build up of database queries which would bog the server down and take forever to clear.

    • Like 1
    • thinking3d 1

  11. 4 minutes ago, Axle_Tiaky said:

    We talked about this a while ago on staff and I believe in the server when you join and click map. Under rules, it states that by Joining the server you acknowledge and accept to ahead to all rules that are associated with the server.

    you would think that by simply joining you are agreeing to follow the rules. Regardless I do have some things i want to do for first time joining the server so this could be worked into it.

    • Like 2

  12. Optional Mod Pack:


    This will allow us to have more lower res textures in the mission, and then full res in the optional mod for those who dislike pixelated skins.

    It will also allow us to do some cool things with UIs which I hope to expand on next week.


    These posts may start coming out less frequently soon. I am nearly onto doing all the little scripts and details which you would expect to see and I dont think it would make for an exciting weekly post.

    • Like 4
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    • wutface 2
    • <3 4

  13. Altis Life v6.5.1838

    Release Date: 04/10/2017

    Size: 20,413KB


    • Download the update before it goes live here!
    • Have a question about this update? Ask it on discord.
    • Items marked with * have a related segment under "Details"


    Change Log:

    • Added: Toggle environment option in the settings menu (disable for slight FPS boost, disables local animals and ambient sounds)
    • Added: That pink suit everyone wanted
    • Added: 2 restricted public cop slots*
    • Added: Bus stops to police stations
    • Added: Short placing period to placeables
    • Added: Boat shop north of Rebel #1
    • Modified: Optimized data syncs
    • Modified: Fixed nearest medic distance on death screen
    • Modified: Fixed motor boat
    • Modified: Fixed invisible buildings re-appearing when destroyed
    • Modified: Bug report button now redirects to discord
    • Modified: Minor changes to some shops
    • Modified: Moved weed processing to north of Sydney
    • Removed: 2 whitelist cop slots



    2 restricted public Slots:

    Pub slot 3 requires 6 whitelisted officers online

    Pub slot 4 requires 8 whitelisted officers online


    Report all bugs via discord.

    If you have a suggestion, please send it to the Altis Life staff team.

    Thanks for playing StrayaGaming Altis Life!

    • Like 2
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    • Clap 1
    • reee 1

  14. 23 minutes ago, Hope said:

    Malden life will the base map for Strayalife RPG, all the other maps really don't gain much of a player base to keep it alive

    No, malden is the map I am doing the testing on because its a nicer backdrop than altis, the map it will actually be on is not yet decided.

    That is not to say I don't want to have it on Malden, just that we are yet to consider what map is the best for launching on.

    • Like 2

  15. Hi all,


    A couple of posts on the forums over the last few days have got me thinking, should we make a Capture the Flag server?


    The first post was about our pop-up server events:

    Specifically the reply suggesting we host a KOTH server. The reasons why KOTH may not be such a good idea are posted in that thread, but the point is there is a clear desire for that kind of PvP gameplay.


    The other post is one by @Warden showing how to add flags to vehicles:

    Seeing this reminded me of the player-held flags, which I have hardly ever seen used in a mission.


    With those two thought bubbles merged together Capture the Flag is what comes to mind.


    If we were to make CTF we would definitely look at what makes KOTH so appealing and try to replicate it for CTF gameplay. Things like the progression system for example. Ranking up to unlock new items and vehicles could be easily designed to work in a CTF scenario, and it obviously adds great replay value.


    Make sure you vote on the poll attached to this thread so we can get an idea of where people stand on this.




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