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Everything posted by M_Dyet

  1. M_Dyet

    To: Spectral, Rogerpurple From: [L05W] Dyet Met with Fish and Rhys Beckett both part of the Somali Pirates. Instructed to maintain their current stance of water patrol and have any spare men placed onto castle location to provide strong points. Police Force will be ready to strike with state of the art speedboat miniguns, Darter drones and raw power. We will not allow them to land on the beaches. Awaiting Further orders.
  2. M_Dyet

    Winner takes all, im in this for the big bucks
  3. M_Dyet

    Hello There. Yesterday I was talking to the people over at Acquisition Incorporated over the Roleplay scenario I had with them earlier in the day. And through this conversation they had showed me how the had contracts and other 'props' to improve and extend a roleplay situation. With this in mind I informed how on the police Database there is a arresting form which I used to use. They had the suggestion that I should start to use this arresting form again and put the individual with the highest Fine amount onto the forums on a weekly basis to extend the narrative of the APD. Instead I will attempt to upload all the arrests and tickets that I undertake with the public officers and place them onto a handy dandy Google document. So take a look at what a police officer can get up to when out on patrol. It is not all about shooting the Rebel Scum, or ruining the Narcos business, there is humble situations that may take place as well. TL:DR - People get ticketed and placed onto a file. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qS3P7dov1m0fWiQ8wT0dLZR2t9eqD2sRT1HpWTfmqKI/edit?usp=sharing Thank you for your time P.s. Enjoy some of the early days when I was a Officer and Corporal, arresting the future commissioners and Mr Jihad (J17) with his 20 Children and 6 wives. -Dyet
  4. M_Dyet

    yeah thats basically it. Like if I have to quickly respond to something I will probably wont be able to do something like this. But other than that, I am mostly just quickly typing everything I need into a notepad.
  5. M_Dyet

    In my opinion public cops should not receive the vests, as once again it is an item which is earned. Sometimes higher ranks will loan a public cop a vest only if they are trustworthy or depending on the situation, i.e. similar to lethals. However though it also allows the public cop to learn how to effectively use cover and allows them to recognize when is the best time to peak. But also Public cops as stated by Tiggati wont be heading straight into a rebel onslaught or gang on gang war. That is what SRT, and other high ranks are there to do. I do however think that Cadets should have a vest, since it is a useful item for the first rank of whitelist. At most even a re-skin of the press vest would be cool.
  6. M_Dyet

    Unlucky fellas, we had the boat out because we were trying to deal with a Rebel Strider that was in the water. We moved straight in the moment we heard that the hemtt crossed the bridge.
  7. M_Dyet

    That is definitely Thug, bloody miss that kid
  8. M_Dyet

    Life is a tragedy when seen in close up, But seen as a comedy in long-shot -Charlie Chaplin Everybody is a genius, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its entire life believing it is stupid. -Einstein My weaknesses... I wish I could come up with something. I'd probably have the same pause if you asked me what my strengths are. Maybe they're the same thing. -Al Pacino Wouldn't say these ones [Below] are inspirational but are ones that have more of a impact in attitude in interactions between people. “Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence" -Napoleon Bonaparte In short don't jump to conclusions assume the best of people, as they may not be aware of what they did. “The one who states his case first seems right, until the other comes and examines him.” -King Solomon (Pro 18:17, ESV) The importance of remaining impartial and how both sides of a conversation can provide a interesting case.
  9. M_Dyet

    God damn it Jimmy, How many times must I tell you. You cannot wear a rebel backpack in City limits. You will know be receiving a Bullet to the skull.
  10. M_Dyet

    aww forgot my name in it *sniff*
  11. M_Dyet

    +1 for masks. Just rob a armoured truck with hockey masks. Or rob a bank with American President Masks
  12. M_Dyet

    This topic has gone way too far from both sides of the community. I understand that there may be fault at both sides of this issue. But I will talk with my group 369, as to the way they should of handled this situation as it clearly got out of control. In future reference could a moderator or forum moderator please lock the topic until further review in order to stop this form of bickering. Thank you.
  13. M_Dyet

    That is so true. It is absolutely on no account the entire cop force. Appears to be mostly individual acts.
  14. M_Dyet

    @Spectral, @Roger Purple, @Marc_R, there appears to be a definite issue here fellas. More than one party has expressed concenrs on this matter. May need some looking into.
  15. M_Dyet

    It may be time to bring back the rule of lethals in your backpack. I know that this did upset alot of police when it was implemented a while back. But it did limit the use of lethal weapons and fewer issues of this arose. When I was playing as a cop I found it to be better as well. Simply as you could Identify people who clearly RDM'd, especially since you don't pose as much of a risk.
  16. M_Dyet

    Welcome Man, I also cant wait for Total War: Warhammer
  17. This musician from Wintergatan had made a machine which uses marbles to generate sound and stuff. Easily one of the coolest things I have seen. My kingdom for a marble machine.
  18. thanks nova wasnt too sure as to where to put it
  19. M_Dyet

    So you were Darren Goldstone. Was funny when we pulled up to you in two hunters and caught you out dealing weed.
  20. M_Dyet

    SRT decided to do a salt run. Turns out we completely ruined the market.
  21. M_Dyet

    For Altis life server you do not require any mods to join. Everything on the server is done through scripts so you can just join and play
  22. M_Dyet

    http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/544176093521725621/45F1EAFA29D0BE09D1E10390FCD537A957A5F103/ Dredd will purge the city of this Super Crim. As he is THE LAW