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Everything posted by M_Dyet

  1. M_Dyet

    I remember when we did the tanoa mission set. RPPPPPGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!
  2. my god this is an old video that I havent seen for ages.
  3. Its rather unfortunate that the situation involving police has escalated to such a point that this incident has occurred. I don't support the actions of these individuals as what they have done is against server rules firstly, and against the general community cohesiveness. But believe it or not there are generally alot of people who are cops that are whiling to roleplay. This type of behaviour should not be tolerated by the community anymore and should not be ignored. Hopefully with the police meeting that will be occuring in 20 minutes many of these issues should hopefully have a resolution. It may still be a long road ahead. I would just like to ask you the community for patience while the police force and staff try to deal with this issue. On the topic of SRT its original creation back a long long time ago was to provide the police force with a concrete foundation of players who were dedicated to roleplay and general combat who could lead the police force in the right direction. Unfortunately this value was lost and the ORIGINAL foundation should return. Thank you for your time -Dyet
  4. M_Dyet

    even then on the police side of things, if you lock it to only when a vehicle is not moving that means that Rebels could continue to drive around in a strider with all broken wheels and wouldnt have to be worried about getting pulled out through any form of police roleplay due to a mechanic.
  5. M_Dyet

    #SGLYFE Thank you so much guys. For all of the work youse do on the server. Without you guys this server would not be as big as what it is.
  6. M_Dyet

    These enforcers have only recently been deployed due to the rising threat of Cartels attempt to silence the truth from the people. These men will ensure that no foreign body will sway the truth and will allow the News team to perform their day to day job unhindered.
  7. M_Dyet

    Yeah, I am happy with the edits. But I agree with pope yuri in the fact that the KOS should be lowered to 300m for Sydney bank. As many a time people have used this for blatant RDM, where it is obvious that you are that far away from bank, where you shouldn't pose a threat.
  8. M_Dyet

    Goodluck Mr Leopard. If your cartel wishes to get to the News Team. You must know that they have Feare Family Enforcers watching their backs. The Truth will be known. *OOC* Nice Work Smokey.
  9. M_Dyet

    Damn, This is awesome. Its great to be seeing another Civ Based Gang on the server.
  10. M_Dyet

    That Bloody Sucks Jake.
  11. M_Dyet

    By far, Combat loggers is the biggest issue that I had encountered and had gone to helpdesk maybe 5 times over it. But even then, with the amount of cops who have been on recently, it has been allowing us to go into melbourne and brisbane.
  12. M_Dyet

    You couldnt rob people in Melbourne anyway as it is classed as a city.
  13. M_Dyet

    What are you on about kirk, they never left.
  14. M_Dyet

    So last night. Ryan, Martin, Pope Yuri and myself all decided to play the co-op campaign of arma 3. There were plenty of laughs and good moments but unfortunately we were not recording. So here are some of the screenshots. "RPG out" -Martin Some groups go in stealthy, others loud. Martin fires a rpg from like 600m away. "I cant be bothered killing these guys anymore. Ill just take this money and become rich." -Dyet Once Again, 'Stealthy'.
  15. M_Dyet

    10/10, I have been wanting to have a negotiation over bank. But a major issue which occurs is some people using their friends as a hostage. But other than that, would love to see a negotiation.
  16. M_Dyet

    hey roger purple, what police rank is needed to purchase the cmr, out of curiosity.
  17. M_Dyet

    when you are in the server browser you see a option to host in the top right. Do and then change to internet and enable UPNP. You should be ready to go then. @Flexxxxy
  18. M_Dyet

    There are benefits and disadvantages to both the maps. With Tanoa it is the new map and I believe that it will fit in with the whole Australia Roleplay idea quite nicely. This will attract the attention of new members. There are alot more unique and innovative ideas possible on this new map. It will quite possibly allow the police force as a whole to have the freedom to move around the main island. The Cities, are large and have variety amongst themselves, along with the buildings that are located in these cities. The idea of limiting Helicopter use, I like, as it will help with player collision and enable a progress of roleplay amongst players instead of the current system of people declaring in side while they are inside a helicopter. It will make boat travel a viable option now which was not before. The main issue is that you NEED to purchase the Apex DLC to play on the map. This I strongly dislike, I agree with what Leopard said. Wait till most people have purchased this map and then the switch can take place. In the meantime it will grant the developer team time to fine tune the map and allow them to make a map which they like. I have seen the map layouts that other dev teams have created for Tanoa and in my opinion they are lazy and messy, which is not a nice look for a server. You need to spend time on these things, the reason why Strayagaming is one of the best Altis life servers is because they do not rush the creation of their material. But in the meantime most of the community will be pleased to have the Apex content in the current Altis life Server. TL:DR Tanoa life, eventually. Good things come to those who wait. -Dyet
  19. M_Dyet

    First, we the police had to deal with a invasion of the place we call home. After all the death and sorrow which was brought from this, we had believed that the people would bring joy back into this city and join together and lower the crime rate. But now, we are seeing bodies in the streets once more, but, these bodies are battered, bruised and disfigured, as if they had been tortured before they were put to peace. Whoever this monster is, we will capture him. And put him down like the rabid dog that he is. We don't have much Intel on this individual, he could be anywhere, and strike at anytime.
  20. M_Dyet

  21. M_Dyet

    Continuation of why we don't go past Checkpoint one. The Majestic Floating Car.
  22. M_Dyet

    Hey that's me. Guys I did it. woo the Tribesman did it.
  23. M_Dyet

    To: APD LAC, Commissioner Spectral. From: [L05W] Dyet With the intel gathered at the hanger site south of Sydney CBD. We found Evidence of a possible attack on the local Hospital District. Police Force will set up road blocks and Checkpoints around the Hospital and Check all Identity and confiscate any firearms that are on any persons. We will post Guards with the EMS at all times and ensure their safety is a priority with a Polair unit on standby at the helipad for the extraction of EMS personnel.
  24. M_Dyet

    damn, you are right. that is a pretty sick roadblock.