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Everything posted by Gotenks

  1. Gotenks

    WARNING this post is now being closely monitored due to flaming comments and behaviour. @Mitch096 @Jacob Richardson Keep the posts on topic please.
  2. Gotenks

    @LuckyB33f @Connor. Dog fighting-helis/jets More weapons + make rounds longer 15-20 kills
  3. Gotenks

    If I had it my way like a lot of American servers I watch on twitch, they only have like pistols and of course maybe a 5.56 and that's it. There are way to many weapons and that's why it's a shootfest. But we are doing everything we can to sort it out, so bare with us. People should be more than happy with a katiba or lighter. It should be about strategy and actually being a team or playing as one, not here take this 7.62 and wreck everyone in 2-3 shots.
  4. Gotenks

    @Jacob Richardson Please dont reply with simple answers that are only 1-2 words. Use the like button to show support. Your comment has been hidden. thankyou.
  5. Gotenks

    Rebels have the ak12 and mk18 which are both semi/full auto marksman rifles? 7.62 caliber can easily use it as a marksman rifle 300m+ away
  6. Gotenks

    Boo! Well i hope all the best Links for the future and thankyou for your time and the fun times on wasteland!
  7. Gotenks

    @Seal What is a triple hole collateral?
  8. Gotenks

    Please Nerf Swivel guns...Insta kills on the pumps
  9. Gotenks

  10. Gotenks

    There is already a rule in place not allowing SRT members/ASIO or whatever it may be if they are inspector or above. Any police officer ranked Inspector (Command) or above, or that is apart of the Special Response Team (SRT) or ASIO and is commiting any rebel activites (Bank, Fed or robbing other officers/taking them hostage) will face disciplinary action within the police force. If they are to break this rule- bring it to helpdesk or the COP command team.
  11. Gotenks

    Welcome mate! I hope you enjoy your time in our community and Be sure to check out all our Servers Altis life to Wasteland and everything in between :). Feel free to message me anytime on teamspeak or the forums if you have any questions.
  12. Hi guys, Bringing you another event for tonight at around 7pm(1- 1 1/2 hours after restart). This event will consist of FULL ROLEPLAY. YOU WILL MEET IN THE TEAMSPEAK CHANNEL 'THE STRAYA RACE EVENTS CHANNEL- 7PM' Event is sponsored by the ALTIS LIFE RADIO STATION. THE STRAYA RACE. Competitors will be solo or teams of 2. Very similar to the amazing race you see on television. There will be various locations players must race to by running or driving to. Once they have reached the location they will be asked a 1 or more questions from various staff members relating to rules/staff and general quizzes. If answered correctly they will be given their next clue and location. First team to cross the finish line and Find GOTENKS(MOD) will win.Participants: 5-10 teams = 10-20 participants will allow extra if needed. If you get a question wrong you will be given a different clue to the next location. (there is to be no salt or being a sook about the event- first and final warning.) Risk: Low Entry fee: 50k Per person Supplies: Bring your own Food/water/toolkits/FAKs/map/gps/fuel cans, vehicles will be supplied Reward: YOU WILL FIND OUT- very very rare prizes Station 1: Start Station 2: @Sam I Am Station 3: @Axle_Tiaky Station 4: @Hatto Finish. REQUIREMENTS: You are to come with only a backpack- NO WEAPONS Teams of 2 at sign up or you will be paired with someone. YOU WILL MEET AT SYDNEY BEACH NEAR PD AND WILL BE FLOWN TO THE START LINE. Supplies: Bring your own Food/water/toolkits/FAKs/map/gps/fuel cans, vehicles will be supplied Please fill in the following template and past it Below. Name of Team: Members:
  13. Gotenks

    There are very few of us who will respond to side chat issues because we like to play the game aswell, we do our best like anyone else would to help you guys and make sure you are enjoying your time on our servers. As Axle has stated it is best to contact us on teamspeak in our help desk channels we have provided. We apologise for any issues we may have caused for you but we do our best as volunteers and players just like yourself. Feel free to contact myself I am usually on teamspeak or using Rcon under the name 'Gotenks'. thankyou.
  14. Gotenks

    Rebels v rebels can not retreat to any safe zone correct?
  15. Gotenks

  16. Gotenks

    Welcome mate I hope you are enjoying your time in our community and on our servers. Have any issues or problems feel free to come find me and ill help you out. Enjoy your stay and hope its a long one.
  17. Gotenks

    Rainbow six siege with majority of the staff team. personally enjoy some NBA 2k17 which I've gotten a bit bored of. Overwatch(blizzard) and dragonball xenoverse 2. Also battlefield 1 with a few staff members.
  18. Gotenks

    @vizzN @insanD @Axle_Tiaky
  19. Gotenks

    I hope all the best for the Future Joshua! It was definitely a great time playing cop with you and some good laughs All the best mate!
  20. Gotenks

    Pending// Alienware and Myself will speak with you shortly
  21. Gotenks

    We are more than happy to hear suggestions and ideas from the community. We appreciate it Porter and will chuck these in our suggestions also. We will be trying to get events running more and more. @Axle_Tiaky @TH3GamingBanana@Yuri @Snowwiiee
  22. Gotenks

    Welcome Mate! I hope you enjoy your stay and enjoy your time in Our community Feel free to message myself if you need any help.
  23. Gotenks

    I'm coming up on 1 year next week and I've thoroughly enjoyed this community and it's the best community I've been apart of. In the past year I've seen people leave and people join back and forth and I've seen this community double in size in just 1 year. I hope I can be here to see it grow bigger and better and want to be apart of it. #SG4lyfe
  24. Gotenks

    people who dont know how to Gym properly
  25. Gotenks

    This year and this community is the best there is. I'm happy to be a part of it and glad to be in the position I am! Thankyou to everyone along the way! I hope you all have a great start to 2017 and keep it going!