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Posts posted by Gotenks

  1. 21 hours ago, Lotza said:

    @Gotenks If your on over the weekend send us a message and I'll come and discuss it with you. Just know that I am not available after 6:30PM Friday and Saturday until my stuff with ASF is all done and dusted, that'll probably take at least 1-2, probably more. 

    If we can get a solution to the issues that may arise during the event and staff approve I would love to see this event go ahead.

    yep we will need to chat to @Spectral aswell and get his opinion. ill be on after the restart tonight. 

    • Like 1

  2. 1 hour ago, Samayueren said:

    I would have the task as a hand in, If it is a revive there are things you can do to exploit a faster revive as well as it being based on frame rates it is more advantageous to those with a faster pc.
    Perhaps use an area other than the hospitals that way you can park more than one bird there. other than that the idea looks good man.

    yeah thatd be alot better. have to have spectral have a look and see what he thinks, and look into it with him. 

  3. The amazing race? Medic style?
    try to get at least 5 medics on, preferably Medic and up. 
    Set up stations or areas over the map.
    Kavala- start with a hummingbird for each contestant- proceed to melbourne and have the contestants revive/ hand in first aid kits to someone. Once the medic has given a first aid kit or revived the patient, proceed to get into an offroad/suv head north to Athira and pick up a patient who you have to take back to melbourne hospital and perform a kidney operation(hopefully have admins spectate to make sure they dont do it on the spot or stop somewhere). Once back at melbourne hospital, jump back into a hummingbird and go to salt flats and pick up another patient and head to Brisbane hospital where you must perform a roleplay situation(you will be given details as you pick up the patient, e.g- broken legs, gun shot wounds) a chief medic will be there to assess the roleplay and if done properly you pass otherwise try again after a 2 minute delay. Once completed the roleplay first one back to kavala hospital, lands and puts their helicopter away wins? 

    Salt flats- Have the police add in a gun fight scenario for medics to follow the rules and listen to the officers who you can take. 

    $200k entry and teams of 1. Must follow proper medic rules- Combat situation and so on. 
    Use empty vehicles to minimise cost if crash/die. If a fellow medic dies they must respawn and they are out of the race. 

    Not sure if this makes complete sense, im half asleep. 

    Add anymore ideas or fix it up a bit. 

    • Like 1

  4. please guys, stop coming to the hospital off respawn or something and asking us to take you somewhere. we dont have the time to do it and its very annoying. civilians should be capable enough to get your own car or run to the market or something please. 

    • Like 6

  5. i suggest just getting a smaller HDD and get a SSD. load ur OS onto the SSD and use that for steam library etc. it will load ur games quicker and what not. just use the HDD as a storage device for documents etc if u wish. 

    • Like 1

  6. so what about adding in novelty clothing items for civs and even medics or cops? like adding in some funny hats/masks/face paint etc and shirts/pants that can make you look like a superhero or something? honestly its something different than the boring medic uniforms or civ clothes etc. i see on twitch streams they are in servers where they can purchase masks and other clothing even as medics or cops. 

    • Like 3

  7. so lately there have been alot of trolls pulling players out of vehicles and such trying to glitch them and kill them or just steal their vehicles and drive it away. personally its been ems vehicles, ive been pulled out multiple times even having my vehicle locked. i think this needs to change. implimenting a locking system or something that medics cant be pulled out of their own vehicles but if they do get pulled out they are allowed to retaliate back at the offender? i understand the concept of having to have proof and the whole admin kick thing, but people forget to grab screenshots or recordings because it happens so quick. 

    any suggestions how we can improve this? 

    • Like 2

  8. 1 hour ago, pkisbest said:

    A similar kind of feature is used is ACE. No actual item used to check, but using one of the interaction keys allows you to see the injured parts and the severity of injury.

    yeah thats what i mean. either have an item to use or assign an interaction key or an interface on your screen for the civ to see so they know their own injuries etc

  9. so as an EMS(currently in pub slot 10+ hours) i have encountered many people who do not want to roleplay and refuse, but once they are told it is a bannable offense they continue. but instead of saying its a bannable offense, why not add in a UI  that the EMS can only use or an item that we can scan the body parts to see what is actually injured and the civs/police can see it also when getting scanned. i think it would help so people would stop refusing to roleplay with the EMS. but its just an idea, now sure how it would go though. I saw it on a tim mac stream. not sure if it was a interface screen or what. But he had the option to see what was wrong with the patient and go from there. 

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