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Everything posted by DanM8

  1. DanM8

  2. DanM8

    +1 for Joe
  3. DanM8

    Axle would fit the job :] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZ0rpXdLGQU
  4. DanM8

    Never liked mortars in wasteland +1 for remove
  5. DanM8

    There was a whole bunch of shit going down all night, mass RDM's and Generally people being cunts all over Sydney I guess it was just wrong place at the wrong time. It's not always like this sorry about this inconvenience hope to see you back on soon.
  6. DanM8

    It's not a bad idea 2 offer money for donations but joining teamspeak and signing up on forums? wat.
  7. DanM8

    Zilch is a good number
  8. DanM8

    haha, I was afk on the bridge I needed a poop. haha
  9. DanM8

    Even SRT members can't call in a Hunter HMG at Lieutenant rank? We're pre much defenseless at this current time
  10. DanM8

    Yah, I'm fine for them to rob it once in a while but they are just doing it constantly over and over again. I think if they keep doing it over and over they deserve a demotion.
  11. DanM8

    I'm good with Combat medics being in as long as they don't bitch when they die.
  12. DanM8

    Anyone remember the old star wars game for PS2? that was the shit. I want to see that back! :[ I remember the grfx bein a little better back then :]] Gameplay of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z8ATBeXXpeA
  13. DanM8

    Suggestion - COp being taken hostage by rebelzzz
  14. DanM8

    Now lets go back to the Staff members getting free ticket into higher ranks. What I'm trying to say is that you guys play for a short period of time and get bored. You guys take your position as a police officers without being dedicated and committed to play, and by that I mean not taking the role seriously and you guys leave after not even an hour of playing. This is a community server so I honestly think that you should let the community decide as one! Yes!
  15. DanM8

    I think the owners need to listen too the community not the higher ranking cops.
  16. DanM8

    When is the next training session? :] I'm down
  17. Always good too freshin up da skillzzz