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Al Shabab

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Posts posted by Al Shabab

  1. I can only speak for myself and a few others i know of but my style of gameplay was really social focused and i feel like now that the dynamics of Sydney are different there is sorta no cool place to hang out? Thats safe... I say bring back the old patch or at least part of it. I dont really play anymore and what i speak for only stands for a minority of players. None the less thats how i feel. 

    Cheers thnx

    • Like 3

  2. Perhaps a sniper on the the top floor of the office building would have helped the situation. Civilians are out-geared enough against police for this situation to have been defused more easily. Perhaps tonight only 2 or 3 good cops were online? All i know is that Vitale days civs would have been wiped out and civilians would be scared to try this again. People literally gave out guns in safe zone for 20mins+ with no lawman in sight. Who ever did by the way thumbs up!! :thumbsup::thumbsup:

    Plain and simple... The police needs to amp it up.

    EXAMPLE: A person has died.
    Pull over near the scene fast and immediately taze and restrain any civilians with a weapon out followed by 3 aggressive orders for any other civilians to move on. If they do not comply restrain them or taze trolls if necessary, put them all in the car and wizz them off back to pd. I guarantee you at least half of them are wanted for murder & in the future they will all fear the police and conduct crime in less blatant way reducing the over-all chaos on the streets of Sydney. Win for everybody. ?

    What really happens:
    Police pull up with no authority and take too long to get to the point (not worrying about people with guns) eventually get decced on (sometimes in second's) followed by a death 90% of the time. THEN they probably fail to give 'propper' comms advice to the supporting unit who dies immediately apon entering the kill zone he does not know about. Now all the civilians in the area are decced and any police vehicles that come close get mowed down plus everyone starts to think they can do anything they want. (And they can 90% of the time)

    Solution: Better comms, Active snipers, More training, Harsher higher up's, A total clamp down on stupidity via de-ranking, Cadets who leave PD alone punished severely, proper induction training. 

    Another way to solve the problem is triple the ban times: 3days for blatant RDM :D

    • Haha 1

  3. Anyone still around from like 2years ago lol!

    My name is Al Shabab please tell me at least 1 person remembers! I was SGT before i stopped playing. REMEMBER VITALE? Please lol

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS4nzrm2PmI  anyone still around?

    • reee 1
    • <3 1

  4. Please sink in tune with me while reading or this wont make sense: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Tr0otuiQuU

    AUGUST 26, 2017
    Dear reader. I write to you from said lands, Somalia.

    I have come to seek refuge with family members of a small pirating community. It is quiet here. I am making an appeal to you after a recent downturn of events that led my own public shaming, my rank stripped from by bloody garments after saving the many lives of my brothers during a bloody and shameful display of combat. I write to you today in disgrace and beg not for forgiveness but change. Change of the most un profound kind, for at the core of our policing lie a stench of magnitude. Like the underlie of a fault in the earths crust, an unripe rot which willows and grows displacing and reaping the solitude of justice that we built with our bloodied hands & in recent history has seen such caprice.
    I Urge you reader uphold your vows be mindful of social justice and stray not a path as did I on that murky road which run rabid like eggshell beneath the foot hindering the course of justice for those not accompanied to the manifest some preach the social order of man, Tread light making noise not for the wolves.


    Al Shabab



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    • Feels Sad Man 1
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