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Posts posted by Krow

  1. Super Wookie, sorry about your experience.
    Us admins are human, and spend a great deal of time dealing with trouble makers, a few good people occasionally get caught in the cracks.

    In future, if you are unhappy with the behavior of a moderator,  you can do what you did here and report it on the forum, or alternatively (for quicker response) contact another Admin via our TS3 server.

    Appreciate you taking the time to report this... and again, apologies for the disruption.

    • Like 3

  2. Just a couple of things I noticed.

    The Vehicle Repairs pad (helicopter) at the airport is far too close to the hanger.
    I could not get my Huron on it to repair it.
    I managed to get the front of it on the pad (without hitting the roof) but the guy could still not see it.
    Ended up having to Despawn in my Garage and respawn it to repair...

    Needs to be moved more into the open plz.

    I also think it's a bit odd that I can store my car in the Aircraft Hanger (garage) yet I cannot retrieve it from the same garage..?
    Be great to have a car garage closer to the Hanger, or access to cars from same NPC.. (probably easier to drop car garage in next hanger)
    Storing an aircraft leaves you ridiculously stranded. 

    Thnx for all the hard work.
    Much appreciated guys.

  3. Just thought I'd kick off the Off Topic Section.
    I'm a professional Graphic Designer and Illustrator by trade but also have a long history of 3D sculpting and 3D texturing.

    Below is a recent sculpture. (without skin)
    Made in ZBrush from scratch.


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