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About Mitchell69

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  1. Mitchell69

    FYI thats an RPG-42
  2. Mitchell69

  3. you can use AA missiles as TOW also
  4. tbh the explosion given off by the AT rocket is mildly over the top considering its blast radius. to kill a man with AT (or Armour Piercing tank rounds) you have to hit them directly. Why? Because thats how AP/AT rounds work. You'll find AP titan rockets will generally be able to take out a 4-5 man team in a small radius (around 10m or so)
  5. Mitchell69

    all scripting is sqf and most of the other shit is c++ It's fairly simple once you get the hang of it. You just need to read other peoples scripts and learn from there. Also reference BIS Wiki. It will be the most help in finding and naming functions and properties along with working out the variables in an array. Configs (such as .cpps) are fairly straight forward. Like I said, look at it and you'll learn, the configs are pretty arma specific as you can imagine If you have any questions about any of it hit me up on steam.