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Posts posted by Grimm

  1. Hey id like to see if i can get off a day ban that involves the KC, id like if u had my side of the story before u banned people, due to the fact that i was in a gun fight with people n they decided to drive around then place n when the people me n boiled egg where shooting out never shot at them n  left quickly we thought that the kc where with them. then the kc kept driving around egg in a striderr which made us think more about them being on there side then they decided to hop out once my friend surrendered while i was giving him sniper cover n once 1 was killed they tried to run away. now we did talk about this in ts n they did say it was ok once i explained them self but once they noticed they lost there guns (so did i) they started to get angry even thou  they went to a gun fight without thinking.  i do no apporve the fact they said it was ok  then getting salty once they lost there guns, 1 if u dnt wanna loose a 2million gun why go towards a gun fight when u have nothing to doo with it when both sides can see u as the opposite sides team coming into back up n 2 why try getting it further once u say its OK n don't do nothing until the person who can defend themselves leave
