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2016 Veteran
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Everything posted by Larry

  1. Larry

    Damn @Smokey Looking nice. Keep up the good work .
  2. Larry

    Damn @Saundo nice haul. Hit me up next time and ill tag along.
  3. Larry

    Really good work @Charlie keep em coming. looking to see where you take it.
  4. Larry

    The scums of altis are normally uneducated so they turn to crime as a way to live. You sir have met a average thief, they got kicked out of school and vocabulary isnt great but give them a break, it's all they know
  5. Larry

    Welcome to strayagaming. I know you will feel welcome from everyone here. Feel free to contact me for help or just some friendly banter.
  6. Larry

    Wasn't completely sure where to put this and im sorry if its the wrong section. Ok so the other day i got sent a message from @Zorgain. upon further inspection it was a video titles "worst cop on altis life ever on strayagaming" Note: This was when i first started cop and was very new to arma. we were conducting a house raid with about 10 other cops which were out the back breaking down the door and i was put on the front. Then someone pokes a lynx through the window and light me up. A civillian recorded the entire incident and then named me the "Worst Cop Ever" So from now on i am larry " Worst cop ever " Lancelot
  7. Larry

    This looks great. however those barriers could cause some issues. @Zac Btw it you decide to remake this you can move the spawns and even shops around. Nice work.
  8. Larry

    Im not one that has a lot of money. But i can offer my friendship. So if its not to late i can put in "Larry's Love" just for this special civ.
  9. Larry

    Congratulations Damn thats a ton of people. Keep up the good work people.
  10. Larry

    Looking foward to all these events. will do my best to attend these. Keep up the good work @Spectral
  11. Larry

    hahaha, lol good spot @Peroxide
  12. Larry

    " Sick of all the hackers and smurfs " * Starts Hacking * It's a sad but true fact of cs:go these days. thats why i personally quit cs and came to arma I Have not met one person on arma that has told me to * Insert Self harm comment *. Although some may be a little cheeky i feel that the community that we have here is one of the friendliest and mature gaming community's around
  13. Larry

    Welcome back @Trio great to see you here and it's good to see you made you way over here to straya. Hope you have some amazing adventures with the amazing people that make up the community here.
  14. Larry

    Ok going to be brutally honest here. It takes alot of power to be able to run a altis life server of this size and thats just how it is. Now alot of people say " ohh they just need to buy a better server " Unfortnatley that's alot easier said than done. 1. The altis life server is running one of the highest end servers available. So if higher grade servers were purchase it would be so much more expensive that would be virtually impossible to pay for ( that is if you want a server that runs no-lag/desync/crashes ) And to the people saying "Streamline sucks why dont they use a better host" Streamline is just as good as any other server provider.
  15. Larry

    1. blank 2. 3. 4. 5. Zomboid 6. 7. fastest beer bottle opened 8. wine cask 9. false 10. crocidile dundee
  16. Larry

    Hello all. over the past week i have been searching all-over altis for a garage that isnt owned. So i am looking to buy a garage off someone for a large sum of money. if is is near or in a town i will pay even more. please contact me ( larry lancelot ) for more information and i will get back to you. Please i have been looking for ages and would really appreciate. please contact me in-game or in teamspeak my name is larry lancelot Also i would like to bring up the idea of house wipes back and i fully back the idea of a house wipe.
  17. Larry

    ok just got an idea. irl someone would be looking to sell their property and they would list it with a realestate agent and advertise their property. could this be a thing where someone could run a realestate agency. i know pavlov used to run one and it would be cool to see a reboot type thing.
  18. I have a very split view on this on the one hand it is extremly practical and doesnt really harm any-one however i agree with spectral that you earn your way up throught the cop force and get better gear as you go. However in the end i feel like its such a little thing that can do no harm so i am for cadets and possible pub slots to get vests.
  19. Larry

    I really want to know how long this pub slot drove. cause if that was from sydney thats takes some dedication to get out there. not to mention fuel.
  20. Larry

    Think this might be a little broken . according to game tracker i have only played 17 hours accross all my names. Can't even find my cop name lol. Thanks for reading. Larry Lancelot | Cjay
  21. Larry

    I agree with greg by far some of the best roleplayer's i have ever seen. follow all the rules and just great people in general. However it is thier choice if they want to leave and i completely respect that. If you guys dp decide to leave you have some of the best people on the server and i wish the best for your future endevours.
  22. Larry

    GG. That was amazing
  23. Larry

    76561198111986051 $20 in total.
  24. Larry

    Thanks for this rodger. kinda a big ask here but it would be cool to see what rank gets what equipment vehicle etc. just to push people to work hard for that promotion