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Milo Morbid

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Everything posted by Milo Morbid

  1. Milo Morbid

    Mostly I play on the invade server, cuz it has the most chances of getting a full chopper of ppl screaming i'm going to kill them. Way I see it, if my passengers don't need a 5 minute break to calm their nerves, I'm not flying aggressively enough.
  2. Milo Morbid

    So, after playing on the server since back when 20 players made it shudder and crash, I figure it was time I stop by and made an official hello. That and one of your staff member browbeat me into it. While I am not a member and am not sure if I couldn't find the correct thread to put this under, I did think it was time to acknowledge that even as a transplanted Irish 'Yank', I do really enjoy your servers and think you have done a phenomenal job with the servers, and community in general. Good on you guys!