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Posts posted by Prillor

  1. 14 hours ago, Nippleez said:

    Maybe just add more slots onto the server because lately I have been seeing Altis Life get full almost everyday, which is nice but not on the other end waiting in server lobby. But this could also mean more Dsync for the server and harder to run maybe once the dedi computer is up or something this could be added.

    No that would make the lag even worse. Hence why I suggested Server #2 with exactly the same as Server #1.

  2. I absouluty hate the driving and flying phisics in Arma 3! It is the most poorly programmed thing in the game. Haha After this save, I was shot 2 times with an Mk18 and it took me out hitting the back of the Huron, and! Blew up haha

  3. Hello all, me and my friend Austin were doing a supply drop last night around 3am AEST! Anyway, I was in the map to long then this happened.



    Thoughts? Hahaha

    Sorry no sound, as I have to edit the video using Camtasia Studio and that is set to not record sounds.


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