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Posts posted by Jaydos

  1. I think this is a great idea make a Division called Altis Correctional Services that Escorts Prisoners an defends the prison itself they would of course patrol around prison like a 3-4 k radius so they can still respond in time if anything happens, but to add more to their job they can add a Evidence vault inside of it so rebels can break open the vault an get seized gear adding this will add extra work yes but at the same time its something "a lot of people want" because atm Detectives and SRT is the only real Divisions to do Operations or Assignments adding this will get others involved an actually build a bigger cop force since there are more opportunities for lower ranks an higher ranks as well, an if this doesn't become a Division than it should at least be a thought of a Sub Division of the APD in general since a lot of the "active officers are finding normal GD boring an want this"




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  2. i think we need to bring Police checkpoints closer to city limits I mean for an example Police checkpoint one can be placed between peach field an old gang hideout like the junk yard area i mean after all Checkpoints are suppose to be something the Police can hold an do RBT an other things an usually Checkpoints would be inside limits not 1k or 2ks away it will also stop rebels from taking it an having a shootout n robbing people since it is in City limits! I mean a lot of the Cop force wants to actually get out of SYD but we cant because it cant be kept in control either check point one is taken or SYD Bridge is being blocked or mass shots on it, i think if we expand an do something with the other cities people might go around an check other places!

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  3. i honestly think this is a great idea, an should happen we need to get out of SYD an go aroud the map since the law isn't just law in SYD its all over the island, i think that anyone with any major crimes so like 5+ manslaughters or Robbing Fed/banks or any bounty over 500k because it will add more rp an i believe that adding this in will actually allow a lot more RP of course only allow it so there has to be a certain amount of cops on to do it but it should be added in i actually like this an i mean after all its A ROLEPLAY server.. i plus one this!

    • Clap 1

  4. I mean if ya want Tasers removed people gonna be mad that when they enter a situation outside or even inside city limits they will be KOS instead of knocked down or tased think of it this way you want it removed so you don't have to get tased or knocked down so you pretty much get 10 seconds for you buddy to help you plus the escort time n you calling out? If that's removed then um your dead there goes your gear an you wont be able to get ya mate to get it because as soon as he goes for it bang his dead... but at the end of the day its a role-play server not wasteland or I&A where ya just KOS the taser and knockdowns are there because if they wasn't there would be no RP for cops half the system revolves around the taser n knockdowns because of processing and jail time?? I agree they  are a pain in the ass but at the end of the day its RP n there jobs aint to kill everyone like rebels n other factions do.  

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