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Posts posted by dohdoh64

  1. I would just like to thank the admins, police force, civilians and all people alike for getting together to commemorate the ANZAC spirit.

    Let us always think of the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our freedoms here in Australia and New Zealand.

    They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; 
    Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 
    At the going down of the sun and in the morning 
    We will remember them.
    Lest We Forget

    EDIT: I had to reduce the video quality a bit so I could actually upload it to YouTube.

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  2. Hi! I'm dohdoh64 and i'm turning 14 in a few days. I am an avid ARMA 3 player with over 900 hours on it. I love playing casually and hardcore roleplay. I love getting along with people and having friendly banter.


    So, I was looking for a good I&A server when I saw... StrayaGaming! So I decided to give it a go. And boy did I love it. I hopped on and did some great fighting with others and there was some intense roleplay going on. After that fun experience I decided to pilot for a bit. I hopped on TS and I loved it. All the people were really friendly and caring even despite my young demeanor. I forgot some things and they all helped me out a lot. I really love it and after my first night on the server I am definitely coming back every day.

    I have to give a shout-out to these awesome people:

    - Baby Eric


    - Blackmamith

    - Bradley

    - Max_Power

    - Ozzy

    - SinerBuzz


    Best Regards,


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