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Everything posted by Mikhail

  1. Mikhail

    We're only just getting started. Much love, keep humble.
  2. Mikhail

    http://plays.tv/video/57669ce68ebd17d6e5/arf-demolished-dont-mess-with-me-thanks-?oreferer=notifications <3.
  3. Mikhail

    @Leopard is Garry "..Sassy.." ?!?!?!?
  4. Mikhail

    @krypkii Love you too, thank you xx.
  5. Mikhail

    @TheMagician ily2 bby xoxo <3
  6. Mikhail

    @TrueBlue You're the only good SP member, I'll only ever have respect for you.
  7. Mikhail

    Lord Spectral, you've done so much for us (the community) and it is not time to say your good byes. If you leave this greatly constructed community it will never be the same. Don't lose hope, keep your head up Lord, don't do this to the ones who appreciate what you've done for us and what you'll bring in the future. Love the community. #SupportSpec @Spectral ❤ ~ this is no joke, we love your work here at straya. please don't leave ❤ . Click below Spectral's Reply
  8. Mikhail

    @InfamousNova He was though.
  9. @Spectral @Mozkelby @Aidanjr @LuckyB33f @John Paul Load-in Screen. Thoughts?
  10. Mikhail

    @Jake Reddington It's all about looks mate
  11. Mikhail

    New Guerrilla Gang uprising! Checkout our background story!
  12. Mikhail

    yeah hadnt restarted my pc in a while
  13. Just another day w/ the boys .
  14. Mikhail

    "think of yourself better then you really are."
  15. Mikhail
