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About BullDog

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  1. BullDog

    Steam : 76561197983933085 $10 with more to come
  2. BullDog

    Is that you in game name!?
  3. BullDog

    Many thanks all, have done all the things i can think of and am now able to access server, i think main culprit from memory of past was to delete the battle ye folder as it reinstates on start up, however i did a dozen other things including changing values within the code and now get a bit better frame rate... Will one day build me a comp that gets 20fps+ for more than 15 seconds at a time! lol... Now just getting to grips with the map and trying all areas of income... I may seem quiet and going solo on the server for a while until i get to full grips with how the entire game runs, as i dont want to step on anyone's toes with early unintentional mistakes.... Again many thanks for help
  4. BullDog

    Hi thanks, .. No, the command strings were put in via steam game startup perimeters, not via the main arma3 console, will try to remove those strings and see if they work as well as the other to validate game cache, have also deleted the battleye files as i remember this was also something i had to do once in a while in the past.. and many thanks for all your help lads!
  5. BullDog

    Hi and thanks, yes have read the rules a dew times now! ( being 40 means things dont always sink in so quick! lol) The rules are pretty much the same as when i played city life in arma 2 days, a few differences but pretty much the same.. As for getting kicked, its normally within the first minute of spawning in.. No message, just says you were kicked. Also downloaded the new expansions, kart, heli, marksman.. just to see if that was the issue.. but still keeps happening, played last night for a few hours no issue, but there were only 3 people on. But also played previous to that for a few hours with a number of people on server. So not too sure what causes it, i do remember in the Arma 2 days this was an issue for some and there was a fix, but cant remember what it was or/and whether its the same issues as on this server. Ping is good as i live in NZ, no mods switched on, cant see how i could be banned ! lol, haven't played long enough for that! lol and not using a vpn... So at a bit of a loss. however my system isnt the best, am using a laptop at the moment, AMD Radeon 7600m and an i7-3612qm 2.1 with boost, ram 4gb, Stream load up have folowing inputs ""-nologs -noPause -world=empty -exthreads 8 -maxMem=3072 -cpuCount=4 -high -noSplash -malloc=tbbmalloc""... Have background task switched off or to minimum, but have norton 360 running. MSI afterburner shows all threads working but mainly using 1 thread core Any help would be appreciated :), Thanks
  6. BullDog

    Just thought id say a hello, have been laying low on Arma for a while, now getting back into things. Used to play Arma 2 and City life some time back and was a member of the TCG clan.. After downloading the game over a year ago have decided to get back into it again, came to this server and seemed like a good layout and a good bunch!... Now after a year am trying to remember all my blooming keys and new ones again! So please be patient with me for the first few days ... Also i noticed tonight that i keep getting kicked, just wandering what that could be down to? Thanks Bulldog