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Posts posted by Grizzly

  1. Hi guys. I haven't been able to play Arma 3 for a little over 2 years.  Apart from my gaming PC crapping out, I've been in a car accident caused by an epileptic seizure, that got me diagnosed with epilepsy. I have spent the last couple of years recovering, being treated and am still not 100%, with the epilepsy that is, and have only just got a PC that can play Arma 3. I hope to get back into some Invade & Annexing soon. If I don't recognise you on the server, I apologise, but still say hi and something might trigger a memory

    P.S. Can you please tell me the mods that are supported on the I&A servers, so I can make sure I don't have something activated that they won't like

    Thank You

    Grizzzly :)

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