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Posts posted by Dima

  1. 12 hours ago, peersy said:

    Factor these things into account;
    Acquisition of said items
    Insurance to cover losses / Robberies / Crashes
    Markup to make a profit
    The ease of accessibility of having said item hand delivered with no risk put onto you until you leave said safezone.


    We have an insurance part of the document  that we have that has not been implemented into the public conditions as of yet as we are still ironing out some creases. More terms and conditions about collection of the item will be added as time passes.


    11 hours ago, Keenan said:

    its like 5 copper and 4 steal dude xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

    He is right, it does require gold bars.




    IoN Vice CEO


    • Like 1

  2. 21 hours ago, Leopard said:



    Like what even do you mean? xD


    I think Altis Life is fine for the time being, I think leave it a few months, let more people buy Tanoa and then look at making the shift to Tanoa, it doesn't seem like the most RP compatible map in my opinion. RPing in a jungle seems like a nightmare...

    - At least if you keep Altis life for now, while everyone buys it, you can still have all the features of apex in Altis life and then when you feel a majority own it, make the shift.


    Sentence structure = dead.



    I agree with your point about waiting for people to buy apex on sale or when it gets cheaper or in general getting people to buy it, and if you hadn't posted it I would have.


    I strongly disagree with Tanoa and it's RP capability. Despite the fact that it is very jungle-like, my opinion and the opinion of those who I have spoken to have all said that it is as if Tanoa was built for RP game-modes. Like, honestly, from some servers that I have seen just a little bit of extra map development and enter-able house placement as well as making use of most if not all of the islands available (maybe even the small ones to put black market dealers on etc) you have one hell of a life mod.


    In the end, I reckon for now just add apex equipment and vehicles to Altis and wait patiently. As @M_Dyet said, good things come to those who wait.


    Just my little bit adding to the discussion, feel free to have a different view point, I will not think of you any different.



    • Like 1

  3. On 11/07/2016 at 8:17 PM, TH3GamingBanana said:

    for alits life

    some things the server could add and improve on (it's my opinion and i still love to play on the server just some things that could make the experience better)

    less of the server killing it self (i know battel eye hates us)

    having something that can reduce the fps drops while playing 

    a rework of the cop to rebel dec and roleplay rules ( i think cops should have to dec before tasing  just like rebels do)

    white listed rebels


    The reason why I believe cops should not have to declare before tasing is due to the fact that the police are a reactionary force. It's not like they run down the street tasing everyone and taking their stuff, they react to something that is being already done such as an ifrit driving down the road. The cops won't tase you if you don't run, so follow the law and you will have no problem with tasers. 

  4. Only problem would be the fact that when it does get to night, police would be driving round headlight-less depending on what key-stroke turns the radar on (whether turning the lights off does it or on) I guess that they wouldn't really be generally patrolling with the radar up unless doing a speed trap and would just pull it up when someone speeds past, which should be fine.

  5. 9 hours ago, Leopard said:



    'l/L'? I don't think you guys have any current hot keys for this. 

    I know shift + L is lights for cops.

    But just plain 'L'. 


    It is also more accessible then the numpad. 


    With love!


    // Cartel Founder //


    Regular L is headlights I believe.

    • Like 1

  6. Like, I'm no pro at wasteland, but when I spent almost all weekend playing it, I found 2 things:

    Yes, there does need to be more ATMs.

    No, they should not be around stores.

    My second point is so because the reason ATMs are so far away is because it adds to the challenge, moving money across land and risking death before you can even purchase your item I believe is the point.

  7. 38 minutes ago, Unit_3397 said:

    Until the new Detonator system gets released, you currently pay $500 ingame per vehicle spray-paint (unless you purchased your vehicle with your chosen skin) :D



    Wasteland Mod.


    what i meant by that is i usually don't car much for car skins, but these I would pay to change my cars to, as in, i would change them. sorry for the confusion xD

    • Like 1

  8. Funny, just finished re-watching the Arrow episode where Oliver Queen pays to set up an event where people can hand weapons in for cash. I like the idea, gives people who are too scared about giving themselves and their friends in an opportunity to come clean and clear their concious. 
